Man, after reading these posts, I have no choice but to chime in. First off, wear the brown shoes until your heart's content. I'm a SWO and I wear brown shoes in my khakis! Why? Because they match. When you go out at night and you wear khaki pants, nice shirt, with a brown belt, do you wear black shoes? God, I hope not. I have no idea why the Navy thinks that black leathers (or pleathers) actually go with the Khaki uniform. Yes, they do go with SDB's, but not Khaki for crying out loud! So, I do what I naturally do best...piss off everyone all at once. Other SWO's don't like it when I wear the brown shoes cause it goes against what they've been brainwashed with...and the aviators don't like it cause they actually think they have a monopoly on them. Brown shoes are authorized for ALL E-7 and above. Show me where it says otherwise and I'll stop wearing them. Bottom line, don't worry about the shoes. You'll look more rediculous without a gold warfare pin than you will with or without the brown shoes. Besides, you're an Ensign...if you don't look rediculous, who are the LT's gonna make fun of?
As for the SWO-ter. That thing is just plain gay regardless of who wears it. But if you really want to look cool, wear that AND the brown shoes. Pure chick magnet!