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China's new (future) A/C carrier


Registered User
Just a thing to keep in mind.

The Chinese, along with most Oriental cultures think LONG term. What we THINK is long term planning, is just mid-term planning to them.

When you think of it, their culture has been around for something like 4000 years or more. (Depending on what dynasty you pick to "start" chinese culture)

I've always found that stereotype to be untrue. Maybe for the Japanese, but the other 2/3 Oriental cultures seem to be very impatient, quick fix/shortcut minded. Great Leap Forward and all that.

Just my opinion though...


Ask me about ninjas!
Impatience is a Maoist China characteristic. Remember, Mao was a peasant who had complete and utter disdain for things like manners, hygene, and literacy. Certainly, he may have been otherwise charismatic, but he was uneducated and at least partially illiterate. Let's not confuse Maoist blunders (understatement) with what may be current policy or level of foresight in China, though.


Life's a garden. Dig it.
Impatience is a Maoist China characteristic. Remember, Mao was a peasant who had complete and utter disdain for things like manners, hygene, and literacy. Certainly, he may have been otherwise charismatic, but he was uneducated and at least partially illiterate. Let's not confuse Maoist blunders (understatement) with what may be current policy or level of foresight in China, though.

Well said.


Registered User
Short version:
I am much, much more worried about their ability to take out our GPS and communications satellites than their launch of a ship, but I think military action is too far off to worry about. Our economic reliance scares me a lot more than their military technology.

Long Version...
China, more than any other nation, represents the greatest threat to the United States and our interests in the long term, however at this point those threats are much more economical than military. It is fortunate for us that our foreign debt (which they hold a considerable stake in) is measured in our own national currency, rather than that of the lending nation. That means if our currency takes a dive, so does their investment. It is in China's interest to maintain our currency's value, at least for the time being. While this may seem tangental, it's not. War dollars have to come from somewhere, and right now a lot of that "where" is in China.

When considering China as a threat, I would also not overlook the impact that globalization is going to have on that country. They are going to become more like us, and that means all of our problems, too. Right now, the vast majority of their people live on nothing, their social care is substandard, and their demand for energy resources is going to increase as those resources become more scarce, to name only a few of their problems. But, also give thought to their ingenuity as a Mr. Flash pointed out, they have a large population to draw on for solutions.

*Note these opinions represent those of the poster, they are not facts, so don't construe them as such.


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Only if 42% of their pilots select Jets.







loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
I'll simply put what my current professor said of this article. To note, this professor has testified numerous times in congress with regards to China, so take it for what you think it's worth. I personally take it as pretty solid.

My professor said:
I sent the article out for verification to someone who follows the Korean press closely. That person was not comfortable with the article either.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Dohnal <kdohnal@wisc.edu>
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:02 am
Subject: Interesting article
To: EDWARD FRIEDMAN <efriedm1@facstaff.wisc.edu>

> Dr. Friedman,
> Thought you might find this article interesting. It is briefly going
> over China's plans for nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It also
> mentions that China will have a conventional carrier by 2010,
> something I wasn't aware of.
> http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_international/199284.html