Anyone else bothered by the fact that American designed CPUs and GPUs are used in a Chinese supercomputer?
Nope, mostly just find it humorously ironic ... you know, our own hardware "watching us."
By the by, this shouldn't be surprising. The design and implementation of computing technology is one area that the US continues to lead the world.
That being said, you can tie all the hardware in the world together ... you just need a lot of wire / fiber / etc. The real difficulty is writing software that can make use of a supercomputer. This exists at two levels: an operating system smart enough to divide a task between computing nodes and a software programmer to conceive a program that could be so massively parallel that it needs all that muscle. Right now, the hardware is ahead of the software in this arena. GPUs have been so wildly successful because of the nature of what they do: lots of floating point operations over massive matricies of pixel data. That sort of parallelization doesn't exist naturally in all computing tasks.