BigIron said:
So it was a Tuesday that "they" walked in and said anyone with a NSS below XX.X is free to go? or was it a gradual process?
Sort of. Phase 1 started a few months prior to "Black Tuesday". Basically they let anybody who wanted to quit, regardless of obligation, just quit and go home. Phase 2 was when they started really cracking down on the "3 downs and you're out" stuff. Phase 3 was the part where we all came into a room and got told who got to stay and who had to go.
Theoretically it was based on NSS. We all had an interview with the STAN officer, and he told us where we stood. I was just barely in the top half of the squadron. They were supposed to cut the bottom third. Some folks got to stay with worse grades based on other various "considerations".
I filed a discrimination complaint, and the commodore basically told me to get bent. Oh well. I guess discrimination doesn't count if it's toward white males. That pretty well soured my feelings for the navy.
As a NAVCAD, I had a choice: get out with no severance pay (golden handshake) or go enlisted as an E-3 with an open contract. The ensigns that were USN got traded to other MOSs. The ensigns that were USNR could try to stay in another MOS or take the golden handshake (about $25000).
Anyway, it was the worst day of my life (to that point) and by FAR the best thing that ever happened to me in the end. I got to finish my degree, get my wings eventually, and best of all got to join the Marines. My AOCS Drill Instructor even wrote me an outstanding letter of rec for the Corps. I'm sure that helped.
I had been flying TH-57s in HT-8 and wound up getting jets the second time around (go figure). Yes, I went through primary twice. Now I fly AV-8Bs instead of SH-60s, which I would have probably got if I'd stayed.
It worked out great for me, but a lot of other guys got SCREWED. There were T-44 guys that were completely done who didn't get winged and guys on the way to the boat in T-2s who got shut down in the chocks to be told that they were done. It can always be worse.