Brett327 said:
Once again, thank you. You've saved me from doing some bitter, bitter typing.
HAHAHAAHAHA!!! What a dork! Nothing I said was bitter nor mean it was simply a statement of observation! But it's quite funny that it would make you bitter!
Brett327 said:
Generally, I don't expect chicks to understand the male perspective on this issue. It goes against their programming to cash in their chips as early as possible by latching on to some guy and squeezing him for all he's worth.
a) I'm 24 and single. As a matter fact not in a serious relationship nor looking for one at the present. I'm having too much fun without a needy, money sapping guy.
And yes there are a lot of them, BTW!
b) I think it goes without saying that as an electrical engineer with 3, yes that's 3 degrees, I have a better job and make a he!! of a lot more money than a lot of guys! I don't need your money to 'latch' on to!
c) ALL of my friends are guys I understand the male psyche better than you wish I did! And not all guys view it like you do anyway, BTW, some do, yes, but not all, by all means!
Brett327 said:
I understand that there are exceptions where young love has flourished and made it to maturity, so for those of you out there, malzel tov (that's Jew for good times)! Just know that the statistics are not in your favor. 80% of marriages where one or both people are under 21 end in divorce and the odds don't improve appreciably until age 25.
As stated by I believe Kbay, on this site, the vast majority of statistics are unsupported and made up on the spot, so your numbers are are null and void. :yawn_125:
Brett327 said:
I know that this really isn't the theme of this thread, but since the male position has been continually assaulted, not by reason or fact, but by irrational emotional outbursts, I think it's only fair to set the facts straight.
HAHAHAHA! Once again I laugh at you! Irrational emotional outbursts!! HAHAHA! Nothing I have said is emotional nor irrational or lacking fact, as I stated above, merely a statement of observation that you all jumped all over this poor guy for asking a question about time between Christmas and New Years, not whether he should do it or not or if he should do it after he wings or his first deployment or when he's an O-4 or after he's "had a lot of fun first." Not everyone defines sleeping with as many women as possible fun nor do the vast majority of men refer to women as "vaginas." I think most PEOPLE would consider that a step in the wrong direction to actually "getting some."
Please, your posts are hilarious!!!
And gregsivers sorry for lumping you in with Brett, your posts aren't nearly as bitter sounding as his! :icon_wink