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College GPA


New Member
Hello All,

I've got a bit of problem and i was hoping you all could give me some insight on my options.

I graduated from college a few years ago with less then decent gpa and am very interested in becoming a Navy officer. Everything on my record looks good but the gpa. I have spoken to an enlisted recruiter and he told me there was nothing he could do (which i figured not beeing an officer recruiter) and the officer recruiter wouldn't give me the time of day. She told me to enlist then try for an officer spot a little while after. However, my thinking is that could take forever.

I was wondering if my options are exhausted or if there was anyting else i could do to improve my chance of getting accepted (or at least listened to).

Thanks in advance,



Did you do a search?

I'll admit, I can't say I have seen this particular question much.

I would say get some work experience under you belt and while you're at it build up some top notch references.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
Are we talking a sub 2.0 GPA, or are we talking "I heard to be a Naval Officer you need a 3.8 or better and I only have a 3.5..."?

I strenuously discourage you from enlisting for atonement of a sub par GPA; especially if an enlisted recruiter told you to do so. When I was interested in OCS, I was in a town without an officer recruiter. The enlisted recruiter told me I needed a 4.0 to even apply. Complete lie. Don't do it.

rugby mike

New Member
A good ASTB will take the place of a sub-par GPA. Plus, the navy will take into account your major, activities...etc. If you apply and don't get selected then what have you lost compared to not applying at all?


New Member

Thats true mike. But even if the officer recruiter tells me no do i still push them to let me test anyway. Not sure who has the finnal say and don't wont to kick a dead horse.


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Since you want to be a military officer, I'm going to assume you haven't been sitting on your mom's couch eating cheesy poofs and yelling at your cat since college. Recruiters tend to be more familiar with talking to kids in school, or freshly out of school. My advice is to try and get an interview, using your work experience and job evals to your advantage. If you want to be a pilot or NFO, take the ASTB as well- a good score will improve your chances quite a bit. You'll have to be persistent and tactful in your approach, but that will show them you have initiative and drive, 2 things they like to see.

Good luck!


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
To improve your chances of doing well on the ASTB, take a look at the ASTB section of this board. Download and STUDY the gouge, then take the test.

-ea6bflyr ;)


He bowls overhand.
and the officer recruiter wouldn't give me the time of day. She told me to enlist then try for an officer spot a little while after. However, my thinking is that could take forever.
Seek another officer recruiter. Being told to enlist for the purpose of becoming an officer is rarely good advice.


Registered User
It's all about the whole person concept. There's several recent OCS grads who scored in the low 2.0


New Member

Hello All,

Thanks again for all your help. I'm going to talk to an officer recruiter this week and keep calling till someone lets me test; even if I have to call every officer on the east coast.
Thanks too for the ASTB info. I've been looking for some more info on this subject.

Thanks again, I'll keep you guys posted on what happens.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Whole man or not, an applicant with less then a 2.5 will have to ace the astb, have incredible work experience, outstanding prt scores and walk on water LORs to get selected for most any OCS program. Here are the current competitive profiles (I stopped by the NRD last Friday). NFO 56, 6/6, GPA 3.47 Pilot 58, 7/7/7 GPA 3.39. Intel 50, 4/3 GPA 3.5 w/ Intel Off interview SWO OAR 57 w/ leadership positions or prior enlisted GPA 3.36. Supply Corps OAR 49, w/ Supply Corps interview, GPA 3.38.

I am all for guys pursuing their dreams, working hard to better themselves and keeping a positive mental attitude. But keep in mind. That officer recruiter's job is to put people in the Navy and they usually know their jobs well. They want to recruit everyone that walks through their door but that just isn't possible. If an officer recuiter shows you the door then you are probably a very low to zero percentage select. Even if a guy with a 2.3 in basket weaving aced the astb the next questions will be " so why is your GPA so low, party too much?" "What did you do with your time if you were not studying?" "Didn't you take your education seriously?" "How do we know you are serious now?" "Why didn't you challenge yourself with a more rigorous major?" or "When you started to bomb Engineering why didn't you change course, take remedial classes, change majors, lighter course load, etc?" There may be more to know about this case, but I don't like the odds at all.