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College GPA


Pro Rec'd SNA
Whole man or not, an applicant with less then a 2.5 will have to ace the astb, have incredible work experience, outstanding prt scores and walk on water LORs to get selected for most any OCS program. Here are the current competitive profiles (I stopped by the NRD last Friday). NFO 56, 6/6, GPA 3.47 Pilot 58, 7/7/7 GPA 3.39. Intel 50, 4/3 GPA 3.5 w/ Intel Off interview SWO OAR 57 w/ leadership positions or prior enlisted GPA 3.36. Supply Corps OAR 49, w/ Supply Corps interview, GPA 3.38.

I am all for guys pursuing their dreams, working hard to better themselves and keeping a positive mental attitude. But keep in mind. That officer recruiter's job is to put people in the Navy and they usually know their jobs well. They want to recruit everyone that walks through their door but that just isn't possible. If an officer recuiter shows you the door then you are probably a very low to zero percentage select. Even if a guy with a 2.3 in basket weaving aced the astb the next questions will be " so why is your GPA so low, party too much?" "What did you do with your time if you were not studying?" "Didn't you take your education seriously?" "How do we know you are serious now?" "Why didn't you challenge yourself with a more rigorous major?" or "When you started to bomb Engineering why didn't you change course, take remedial classes, change majors, lighter course load, etc?" There may be more to know about this case, but I don't like the odds at all.

Do you know if all intel/supply applicants must interview? I was pro rec'd for sna/nfo wut failed vision test so reapplied for both intel and supply. just wondering if i had to interview before being pro rec'd.


New Member
Thanks for the info Wink. Ill keep you guys posted on the battle. As a Comp Sci major, I'm used to getting rejected so this it's nothing new :icon_tong. Ill just keep trying till i get in, I'm too old, or the navy hits me with a restraining order. :)

Thanks again,



Active Member
Whole man or not, an applicant with less then a 2.5 will have to ace the astb, have incredible work experience, outstanding prt scores and walk on water LORs to get selected for most any OCS program. Here are the current competitive profiles (I stopped by the NRD last Friday). NFO 56, 6/6, GPA 3.47 Pilot 58, 7/7/7 GPA 3.39. Intel 50, 4/3 GPA 3.5 w/ Intel Off interview SWO OAR 57 w/ leadership positions or prior enlisted GPA 3.36. Supply Corps OAR 49, w/ Supply Corps interview, GPA 3.38.

I am all for guys pursuing their dreams, working hard to better themselves and keeping a positive mental attitude. But keep in mind. That officer recruiter's job is to put people in the Navy and they usually know their jobs well. They want to recruit everyone that walks through their door but that just isn't possible. If an officer recuiter shows you the door then you are probably a very low to zero percentage select. Even if a guy with a 2.3 in basket weaving aced the astb the next questions will be " so why is your GPA so low, party too much?" "What did you do with your time if you were not studying?" "Didn't you take your education seriously?" "How do we know you are serious now?" "Why didn't you challenge yourself with a more rigorous major?" or "When you started to bomb Engineering why didn't you change course, take remedial classes, change majors, lighter course load, etc?" There may be more to know about this case, but I don't like the odds at all.

WINK what NRD gave you those numbers. Those are not the CNRC numbers. If this happened very few would get in and if they are holding folks to those numbers they have cream of the crop to pick from or a walk in market to make the numbers they need for goal. Ok let’s not forget to mention the whole person concept too and as mentioned WHY THE GPA IS SO LOW some folks have real reasons. To explain GPA 2.9 is average for all applicants OAR 50 or above unless it is SUPPLY 40 and above. Any number over 5 on the supplemental parts is the average for the 40 folks I put in last year and is holding true so far this year. INTEL INTERVIEW IS A MUST. KEEP IN MIND IF the college IS NOT GOOD AND MAJOR IS BASKET WEAVING a 2.9 GPA may not cut it unless calculus and physics classes are in there with B or above. BAD GPA Means a good better than average test score is needed. AS MENTIONED if ones GPA is close to bottom of the limit 2.0 for some designators then competitive profile has decreases unless there are circumstances which should be explained by the recruiter and in the applicant’s motivational statement. I can tell you I have put in at least 10 folks with 2.5 and below GPA's. They all deserve to be in the Officer Community and really did well on the test. The thing with them all is their number one goal was to be an officer not a pilot. They listened, studied hard for the test and had great resumes. Most all of them crushed the PRT too and had great interviews from several Senior Officers in the community they were applying for. NOW all this is out the window when it comes to BDCP, scores and test must be much better and from my experience higher than what WINK stated above.

As I have stated many times, recruiters are not pro active if they are in a walk in market. The applicant must take the lead and set the tone. If a recruiter is hurting for numbers they may not want to waste time on a maybe either, but a good recruiter will see it as a maybe and give it a shot.

ALL IN ALL if a wannabeeeee meets the minimum numbers to apply and is medically qualified the recruiter cannot say NO or deny you the right to take the test. When you test you better kill it or you will be doing your kit by yourself with little assistance from the recruiter. The selection process can be like throwing darts at times. Folks you never thought had a chance show up on the select list and folks you thought were LOCKS don't get picked the first time. NEEDS OF THE NAVY, CNRC AND THE COMMUNITY one is applying for have direct impact on numbers selected each month and the competitive profile from that board.

This is the GUIDE NOT THE RULE but I turn no one away if they are good people and 100%qualified to apply. If you don't apply you cannot get told NO and for sure one cannot be TOLD CONGRATS YOU HAVE BE PRO REC's
The Navy needs good people not good test takers and college students. The system allows for folks with no ability to chew gum and walk at the same time to come in no matter what the recruiter thinks or writes on the application. I have actually written this person is an IDIOT I would not work for them, but since they did very well on the test and had a high GPA in engineering the individual was selected. On the flip side I have had bad test takers and bad GPA folks make it because I encouraged them to apply when others told them no way. These folks had the WANT TOO DRIVE AND are excellent Naval officers now. If I turned them away because I was lazy then the Navy would have lost a few good men.

any way this is not negative and I am not spreading rumors just my experience


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I went back to the NRD and it turns out those are their BDCP profiles. Sorry for the bum gouge fellas. In any case, you guys can always go with Goob or RockyMountain over me since they are still in the billet. Goob's description of how the board views the "whole man" is instructive. I'm glad he took the time to detail it for you guys because I am tired of doing so. I will take a slightly different nuance then Goob on this subject. Walk in market or not (for the uninitiated, that means the recruiter works in a very pro military market with good demographics and he basically sits back and signs people up), if a recruiter will not work with you there is probably a good reason for it. Maybe you can do something about it. But you have to know what your problem(s) is, so further engagement is advisable. It is true, if you meet the basic requirements they can not refuse to forward your ap without a "field rejection", which is kind of a big deal. But if the recruiter tells you to take a hike and you insist on applying, what kind of recommendation/summery do you think he will write?


Active Member
I went back to the NRD and it turns out those are their BDCP profiles. Sorry for the bum gouge fellas. In any case, you guys can always go with Goob or RockyMountain over me since they are still in the billet. Goob's description of how the board views the "whole man" is instructive. I'm glad he took the time to detail it for you guys because I am tired of doing so. I will take a slightly different nuance then Goob on this subject. Walk in market or not (for the uninitiated, that means the recruiter works in a very pro military market with good demographics and he basically sits back and signs people up), if a recruiter will not work with you there is probably a good reason for it. Maybe you can do something about it. But you have to know what your problem(s) is, so further engagement is advisable. It is true, if you meet the basic requirements they can not refuse to forward your ap without a "field rejection", which is kind of a big deal. But if the recruiter tells you to take a hike and you insist on applying, what kind of recommendation/summery do you think he will write?
YUP this is true the recruiter may not write you a good reccomendation, but it may not matter what the recruiter writes as I have experienced. In the applicants defense some folks I told to take a hike that were persistant actually impressed me and I changed my view of them. So for all wannabees that get the cold shoulder keep after it and don't upset the recruiter he/she could turn out to like you and push harder for your acceptance.
