I really don't want to get into a "Riddle is better/ Riddle is worse" discussion ...
(A good number of our engineers however still don't know how to talk to girls, so they might need some follow on training after Riddle)..
Agreed and Agreed
I really don't want to get into a "Riddle is better/ Riddle is worse" discussion ...
(A good number of our engineers however still don't know how to talk to girls, so they might need some follow on training after Riddle)..
Dude......you just don't know.received what I would call the most thorough and gut checking flight training I think I would have gotten civilian side....I'm honestly very happy with it, even if it did cost me an arm and a leg.
Gut checking-Doing 3 keg stands and making to your 8 oclock classI forsee this guy being a Riddle Kid (tm) who is going to go "but.. but.. I went to ERAU!! I AM PREPARED" at his FPC or at selection when he gets his last choice.
There is NO civilian college style training that I would remotely call "gut checking" with a straight face. Unless you count that sinking feeling when you get tuition bills.
I had none of those gut-checking experiences. Star Wars geek huh.....I flew a Hornet yesterday ....what did you doSounds like FLYTPAY had a positive college experience. All this time I thought he was just a Star Wars geek.
what I would call the most thorough and gut checking flight training I think I would have gotten civilian side...
There is NO civilian college style training that I would remotely call "gut checking" with a straight face. Unless you count that sinking feeling when you get tuition bills.
I really don't want to get into a "Riddle is better/ Riddle is worse" discussion because it's always going to be an opinion thing. The fact is though I received an excellent education there, made some amazing contacts within NASA through the school, had 2 astronauts as close mentors, received what I would call the most thorough and gut checking flight training I think I would have gotten civilian side....I'm honestly very happy with it, even if it did cost me an arm and a leg.
In the end though thats all that matters...do you think you got a great overall education out of your school, both in and out of the class...and did they prepare you for the real world?
(A good number of our engineers however still don't know how to talk to girls, so they might need some follow on training after Riddle)
Allright enough already.
ERAU is a good school. It is also very expensive. <-I don't think anyone here would dispute those, so lets just leave it at that.
All that matters is that at the end of the day is that YOU are happy with YOUR education (I went to Riddle, and I am).
In NAVY flight school, you'll find that your aeronautical science degree (more specifically your IFR experience) WILL help you out. Just don't believe that it will help you out anymore than others with IFR experience.
Similar to Otto, I know a few ERAU grads that have attrited/DOR'd out of flight school. On the other hand, I know many that did exceptionally well. Ultimately, it will be your hard work and dedication that will earn you your keep here, not your degree.
And to Otto: The bit about NASA isn't exactly accurate. I know 6 (six) ERAU grads that graduated and were directly employed by NASA upon graduation (Aerospace Engineering / Engineering Physics majors), two of which are friends. ERAU has had two Masters recipients go into space a couple years after graduation (were Engineering / science types, not pilot types). Not trying to say this has anything to do with ERAU being different than any other school, just wanted to get this straight.
You want to go to NASA? Ya, your degree won't get you there.