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Columbia NROTC fight


Well-Known Member
that's good some want it back, sound like if they do get it the mids will have a tough time with the "anti-war" crowd.


Just a student editorial, nothing to see here. Until they get some "Change" in university leadership or DADT gets overturned, there's no traction to bring ROTC back; I don't even know if the Navy would be interested.

Still keeping my resume ready for a MOI slot, should it happen though.


Solidly part of the 42%.
I always like it when the disconnect between our nation's elite, liberal educational institutions and the military is brought to the front. Who's childish idea was it to simply take their little green army men and go home rather than try to influence our military's culture by becoming a part of it? Sure, it's no place for conscientious objectors, but I can see our organization and even our country as a whole being healthier if it did include of few more liberal thinkers in the ranks. My roommate is a liberal, and I give him hell for it sometimes, but he knows I value his opinions.

Has the divide really been narrowed down to DADT as the article suggests? Do people really not have a clue that despite potty mouths and some bad apples, that the US military is one of the most ethical and moral institutions on the planet? Especially the officer corps? The military being an "imperfect institution" is their problem to fix.


Is it baseball season yet?
I just don't like how the guy talked about how ROTC violates peoples' rights, as if people have a RIGHT to a job.


Now with even more awesome!
The comments section was priceless. I love hearing enraged undergrads try to argue their opinions from that very self-conscious, pseudo-philosophical standpoint that they seem to relish so much.

"Look at me! I read Nietzsche! And Chomsky!"

I think they all skirt around the real issue: NROTC would enable more poor kids to go to Columbia. While most Columbians (?) are not the stereotypical sweater-vest-wearing, trust fund kids, there is a significant (and very vocal) portion that are. Add to that the wanna-be's, and you've got a big portion of the school that doesn't want to see us pathetic tradesmen on the campus.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
they decry the lack of upward social mobility in the states, but one of the largest merit based free education programs in the nation is banned at their school? a way for people from any socio-economic background to get an education, serve the nation, and see the world? Not at my columbia, we're too progressive for something like that!

yep, sounds like academia to me!


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
I always like it when the disconnect between our nation's elite, liberal educational institutions and the military is brought to the front. Who's childish idea was it to simply take their little green army men and go home rather than try to influence our military's culture by becoming a part of it? Sure, it's no place for conscientious objectors, but I can see our organization and even our country as a whole being healthier if it did include of few more liberal thinkers in the ranks. My roommate is a liberal, and I give him hell for it sometimes, but he knows I value his opinions.

Has the divide really been narrowed down to DADT as the article suggests? Do people really not have a clue that despite potty mouths and some bad apples, that the US military is one of the most ethical and moral institutions on the planet? Especially the officer corps? The military being an "imperfect institution" is their problem to fix.


During the Vietnam era the Vanderbilt faculty, acknowledging the protests against the war on campus, debated kicking the Army and Navy off campus, but like you argued they decided against it in hopes of doing a small part to affect military culture by supplying it with thoughtful, educated officers. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the conclusion reached by many other schools during that time period as well.


Is it baseball season yet?
The comments section was priceless. I love hearing enraged undergrads try to argue their opinions from that very self-conscious, pseudo-philosophical standpoint that they seem to relish so much.

"Look at me! I read Nietzsche! And Chomsky!"

Couldn't help but think of this scene.

See, the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna staht doin some thinkin on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certaintees in life. One, don't do that. And Two, you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin education you coulda got for a dollah fifty in late chahges at the public library.