And what truth would that be?I was making a joke that was partially grounded in truth (as most jokes are).
And what truth would that be?I was making a joke that was partially grounded in truth (as most jokes are).
And what truth would that be?
Typical liberal. When cornered, they turn to personal attacks because when it comes down to it, they know that what they spew makes no logical sense.Alright Steve, sorry I took a shot at SWOs (albeit nuke SWOs). You can now feel free take your tampon out and go about your business.
Typical liberal. When cornered, they turn to personal attacks because when it comes down to it, they know that what they spew makes no logical sense.
What is obvious is that you were talking out your ass and now you can't even man up to admit it.Reread my posts. I think its pretty obvious I was making a joke. As to me turning to personal attacks because my posts make no logical sense, well, pull your SWO pin out of your a$$ and lighten up.
SWOs are not mandated to get a commissioning physical. You need to get a physical if you want to go to flight school, nuke, EOD or SEALs.
What is obvious is that you were talking out your ass and now you can't even man up to admit it.
Whats obvious is you can't take a joke and you are intent on getting the last word. Why don't you do us both a favor and take one more shot at me then lock the thread.
And keep others from enjoying the comedic relief you've offered tonight? That would be selfish on my part.Why don't you do us both a favor and take one more shot at me then lock the thread.
And keep others from enjoying the comedic relief you've offered tonight?
Read your own post.
Surface Warfare Officers are not required to get a commissioning physical.
I feel like A4s, because I weep for the future.
Who said I was acknowledging your "joke"? I was merely commententing on the entertainment you provided AFTER you initial "joke."Well I'm glad you've finally acknowledged it was a joke.![]()
Chill out dude? Are you serious? Let's see....Midn vs. commissioned officer, winged aviator at that. Would you talk to your class advisor like that? No, you probably wouldn't and if you did, you should probably consider a different career.nrotcbruin said:I know you are trying to point out, but I was intending to say those service selected to go SWO, plus we are on the topic of commissioning physicalsand not talking about those already commissioned...chill out dude and don't get so worked up over the details...
Who said I was acknowledging your "joke"? I was merely commententing on the entertainment you provided AFTER you initial "joke."
Chill out dude? Are you serious? Let's see....Midn vs. commissioned officer, winged aviator at that. Would you talk to your class advisor like that? No, you probably wouldn't and if you did, you should probably consider a different career.
As for your initial commentary, what makes you think those people going SWO don't need a commissioning physical. You do realize you can be completely disqualified for all unrestricted line designators, right?
Here's a picture of what happens when someone forgot to "get worked up over the details." [picture compliments of Hey Joe]
Alright, now knowing that HH-60H is a commissioned officer, I apologize for disrespecting him in any way and yes I agree with your point taken about talking to him like I did.