I didn't know that he was a non-select
So you replied without even really reading my post and writing seething comments?
I didn't know that he was a non-select
So you replied without even really reading my post and writing seething comments?
Thanks for advice guys. I was a non-select for SWO in the April Boards though. My recruiter says my 4/4/4 ASTB is just not competitive right now. I have one more time to take the ASTB and this time I am going to be ready for it. My recruiter says he is really suprised I did not get picked since he says my overall package is strong. He says he is going to 're-app' me which means I won't have to wait 6 months to reapply but I will have to get a better score on the ASTB to do so. I graduate college in 3 weeks and I am excited to have a lot of time to study. My goal is to get it to 7/7/7 and then hopefully get SWO or Intel. Big bummmer, but I am determined to be a Navy Officer and I don't really care what I am. I just want to serve.
If you need more SWO insight, try sailorbob.com. It's a forum for SWOs. Sort of a SWO Warrior board I guess.