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Computer Geeks arise!! I need help !!


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
From the linux geek corner.


It's primarily a *nix based program, but windows compiles are available on the website. It's got a GUI somewhere, but I just use the command line stuff. It comes with a program called mencoder.exe. Basically, its the same program as mplayer, but instead of playing the video it reencodes it. The windows compile I have here does both DivX and Xvid encoding. You can specify a bitrate to make it a specific file size (note: quality will suffer with smaller size). Oh yea, and it's free software without watermarks or any bull like that.

The syntax is a bit complicated and the documentation sucks if you arent a techie, but if you feel like using this lemme know and I'll spend 5 minutes writing up a quick step by step.

For the record, DivX and Xvid are the best quality to size codecs. Mpeg is the best quality wise, but its a spacehog.


At the risk of AW ridicule and the following eternal mortification ... is there any way to "rotate" an MPEG file 90 degrees on the computer --- like regular JPG's, for example ... ??? I am not too swift on video editing software, thus the question. I took a couple of video clips rotating the camera 90 degrees trying to get better framing when I should not have ..... :) ..... the results (predictably) are 90 degrees out.

I suppose I could lie horizontal and watch them ..... ????


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
Not sure about other stuff, but I just checked the docs and managed to do it with mplayer/mencoder without a hitch....

Though, from a math-geeks perspective, I can see some kinds of compression (in already shotty quality files) causing further image distortion when re-encoded on a 90/270 degree rotation. 180 degree (horizontal flip) wouldnt cause it. This is just because of the way some visual compression algorithms work, though I don't think anyone actually cares, heh.

Edit: I just checked the docs a bit better, it plays with a rotate filter just fine, but as far as re-encoding the file, it can't output as MPEG. It'll do Divx/Xvid/Quicktime though, not sure if that meets what you need...


I didn't want to resurrect this thread, but then I didn't want to start another one and clutter up the site, either --- and this kind of relates --- to computers, anyway.

I'm sick of Google --- it isn't getting the job done for me. I'll use it if I have to ....

Question: What search engines do you-all use or prefer ??? With the obvious exceptions of Google, MSN search, and Jeeves. I use Internet Explorer for my browser. Hopefully there are alternatives available that are not too heavily "techie" --- just a search engine that is good, solid, and gets to the point. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


he will die without safety brief
I believe Google is the best out there. 90% of the problem is defining your search well using quotation marks and "-" (minus) characters to restrict your search. Were Google to mysteriously disappear, I'd use yahoo's search. MSN and Ask Jeeves are 2nd-tier engines; you may miss out on some interesting results.


FERS and TSP contributor!
A4s - do not like the quality of the results you are getting with Google or is it the user interface?

Have you tried Firefox as your browser? It does great integration with Google - and tabbed browsing is a whole lot less painful.



I Can Has Leadership!
Second... I only use Firefox... and the Thunderbird email/news client.

IE for those few ebsites that will not work with Firefox. IE is nothing more than a glorified virus.


Thanks for the suggestions, guys --- yeah --- it's the "results" with Google that I think comes up short on occasion ... but what is one to do ??? :)

For example --- there is "The Lost Letter of Midway" that I have been trying to find a copy of for some time --- written by Stanhope Ring (CAG of the Hornet) which I suspect is a justification of his Air Wing's poor performance in the battle.

I know it might be available through USNI --- I found it in a search there but I was unable to buy or download it from THEIR site and I'm a lifetime member ...... I'll follow up with a phone call to USNI but ...... that's one example of Google's shortcomings. "The Letter ... " HAS to be out there somewhere on the net .....

I will take a look at Firefox. Does it do the deed with the available firewalls and anti-spam (I like spam musubi, however) programs extant ?? Compatibility and functionality would be my criterion for Firefox ......

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
FireFox is pretty pop-up and whatnot resistant. MUCH more so than IE. It is also much more protected from malicious plugins and everything. IE is an outdated piece of crap.


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
At the risk of disagreeing with already stated opinions, I'll argue that IE has its uses. The main thing being that IE has slightly better media integration. So if you like going to all those sites with lots of videos to browse through, you may need IE from time to time. I use firefox myself on a regular basis, but every once in a while I come across a page that just doesnt work quite right. Conversely, I rigged up my mothers machine with firefox, and removed all user-accessable links to IE, and she hasn't had any problems whatsoever. She has a firewall, automatic virus scanner, and all sorts of other stuff that runs just fine without firefox interfering with anything. Spam filtering usually depends more on your mail provider than the browser. But if my mother, who still cannot set the clock on a VCR, or for that matter even figure out how to plug it in, can handle firefox, I'm sure an aviator can figure it out.

Regarding that particular article, I found (via google) the USNI link as well as 2 periodical archive sites which have archived copies of the USNI publication, but both require memberships. I wouldn't be surprised if your local public library had a copy on microfiche or something. I'm fairly certain RIT has a permanent membership to one of those archive sites (I know my high school did) so if I'm ever in the library in the next week or so (note: that's a fairly strong _if_) I'll take a quick look for you. I hadn't heard of it before, and it looks like an interesting read.


mkoch said:
.......I'll take a quick look for you. I hadn't heard of it before, and it looks like an interesting read.

Thanks again on this thread --- rep points for you but the Nazi-Rep point system said: NO

A small consolation prize, instead .... let me offer that you will make a good NFO with your "can-do" attitude. BZ .... :)


O.K. ... running Firefox as we speak --- kind of "slow" to load THIS webpage, however ... :) ... and the font has changed size from IE in the last visit.

Can you re-order "bookmarks" in any order you choose on Firefox ??? It appears to be defaulted to "alphabetical" and that is not to my needs .....

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Play with the settings to play with the font. You can even adjust it with the mouse wheel, but I forget how (I always do it accidently though).

Some pages load slower, some faster, it's strange. There are ways to speed it up (tweaks).

Yes, you can reorder your bookmarks however you like.

Welcome to the club. :)


Damn ... you're fast, Fly .... hope you get fast-movers or you will be impossible to be around ... :)

I am going to just do Firefox on the notebook for a while .... see how it goes .... if I don't like it, I can just throw the notebook off the lanai into the water.