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Contacting Officer Recruiting staff for first time


OK, so I just called and I spoke with the Master Chief up there and he told me he will get me a officer recruiter and I should just stay on the line. After ten minutes of waiting I got disconnected. I will try again today and tomorrow, and if that does not work I am going up there next week.


OK guys, good news!!! I just received a phone call from a recruiter. I will call him tomorrow and I will keep you informed on how everything is going. Maybe my experience will be able to help someone out in the future.
Thanks again for all of your inputs. You have no idea how much help you have been.



Formerly SNA2007
Damn, way to go on being so persistent. Stay motivated, and I look forward to seeing you in the fleet. Best of luck!


New Member
I've been having a similar problem to NAVYBM2's; I've been trying to schedule my ASTB for the past three weeks and the OR that I initially spoke with isn't responding to me at all..... I found the NRD list for the Philadelphia area earlier tonight, and tomorrow I'll be spending my lunch break getting ahold of someone. If that fails, they can expect to see me bright and early on Monday!

On a slightly unrelated note, my primary interest is SNA, and I'm currently 26 and will be applying for BDCP. I understand there is up to a 48-month waiver for the SNA age cut-off for current officers.... upon completing my Bachelor's and being commissioned (I will be 28 at that time), would I qualify for the waiver and still be eligible for API and flight training?


Fleens? You're not Fleens!
Hopefully everything will work with NRD Minneapolis but. NRD Chicago is absolutely fantastic, and if you call and leave a message someone WILL eventually call you back. I wouldn't be surprised if SynixMan and I have the same recruiter--he's been great. I've since moved back to New York, and he's still been in touch and figured out how I could still work with Great Lakes while here (I'm taking my PRT, signing all my paperwork in NY in an enlisted recruiter's office), but still connected to Great Lakes. I suspect living so far from the office you could do the same.

Good luck!


On a slightly unrelated note, my primary interest is SNA, and I'm currently 26 and will be applying for BDCP. I understand there is up to a 48-month waiver for the SNA age cut-off for current officers.... upon completing my Bachelor's and being commissioned (I will be 28 at that time), would I qualify for the waiver and still be eligible for API and flight training?

That waiver is for prior service applicants. If you have served in the military before, you get 24 months added to that '27 by commision' age limit for SNA's, for 24 or more months served on active duty, not sure about reserves though.


Forgot to add, I applied last summer for BDCP, and was denied because BDCP was not accepting age waivers at the time. Not sure if that was just a timing thing, or if BDCP just never accepts age waivers.


New Member
I'll cross my fingers and hope & pray then, and hopefully I'll actually get to talk with an OR tomorrow.... thanks for the response PJ81.

*crosses fingers*


Hello everybody,
Sorry for the long absence here, but I am working at my summer job and it has been pretty busy, which is a good thing I guess. So, I spoke with my recruiter today and we have arranged a meeting for Wed. morning.
Can't wait!!!
I am driving to Minneapolis, which is about 150 miles from where I live. In one of my early posts I said that it was about 250, I think that was in the heat of the moment, so sorry about that.
As always I will keep you posted on my slow but forward progress.




Any news?

Hello guys and gals!
I am sorry for my prolonged absence yet again, but nothing really happened until the end of December. I was just involved with school and really did not have much time for anything at all. So, let me start by saying that I finished my package in January and I am in for the March board, as there are no boards in February.
In late December, I took the ASTB, it was OK 5,6,5 (52), it could have been a bit better but I really didn't put much time into it.
MEPS went smoothly !Except that I failed the Depth Perception Test. I understand that a lot of people do at MEPS, so I went to an eye doctor to examen my eyes and test my depth perception. All turned out great, he said I have perfect eyes, he wrote me a letter about all of that and I got a waiver.
The options that I put down for my package are Pilot, NFO, and SWO.
So, I guess the waiting game is on now! I hope all of you are making progress, if you have any questions or comments let me know. I intend to be more active on here this semester.

Good Luck people..

BM2 (well I guess I can't call myself that anymore)



WIth any luck you will sign off with 'OC Ivan', soon. Glad to hear that everything is going well. Good luck.
Gosh I hope you are right! I just missed the January board, but I am in for the March one! I can't stop thinking about it, and waiting is really excruciating for me, which is kind of odd for me because usually I am a pretty calm type of guy! Oh well, what can you do right?


OK, for those of you that may run into this thread and use it as some type of a guide, I just want to say that the process was long and painful for me, but it was all worth it in the end. I was PRO-REC'd for BDCP(SNA,NFO,SWO) yesterday. So, 7+ months since I first contacted my recruiter to the moment I was selected. Now, more hurry up and wait until the final select, and then, you guessed it, more hurry up and wait.
GOOD LUCK, and stick with it!