True story; it was on "Fat Albert", a.k.a. "The Great Pumpkin" enroute HNL-DFW ... the big orange WHALE that BI flew back 'n forth 'n back ' forth between DFW-HNL for years and years ... in fact, that PARTICULAR bird was so maintenance free that Boeing wanted it back in trade on a new one -- they wanted to see what they had done so 'right' on that particular (old) WHALE ...Years ago a Braniff (I think) B747 captain died en route from Honolulu to Dallas. The copilot made a routine landing at DFW....
The CAPT was senior and was one of the guys who 'owned' that particular route -- heart attack and then Tango-Uniform in the seat -- a glitch: his wife was lead STEW on the flight -- bad day.
The F/O and S/O did an admirable job and brought Fat Albert back to DFW, overflying LAX which initially brought them some 'heat' .... but when the cards were all layed out on the table, it was probably the 'right' thing to do, even if not the 'as soon as practicable' decision.