AW Foodies: ... I come to you for help. ...
Faget da cookbooks, learn to cook without them. Use your native intelligence. As we speak dindin on the stove: A 3 pound chuck roast, couple cans of french onion soup. Seared meat, simmer roast in soup about 3 hours. Add one or more of the following: Potato, carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbage, kale, spinnach, peppers and etc. When finished for about $6.00 and change you have a very nice meal and leftovers for sands and etc.
Last week it was Chili: Pound of beef and pound of pork, Bunch of chill powder, add what ever: Celery, bell pepper, couple hot peppers, onions, garlic, unsweetened cocoa, touch of cinnamon, can(s) of diced tomatoes. Beans if you are not a purist. Simmer for how ever long. Top with some cheese and green peppers. Chill for three or four days.
Nothing better than a pot of pinto beans. 75 cents for pound of dried beans, chopped onion 60 cents, ham bone free at your butcher. 20 cents for spices and etc. Nothing tastier than a bowl of the musical fruit!
The list goes on. Very healthy yet inexpensive meals. Cook for more than one meal at a time.
Stay away from the frozen section of your supermarket. EXPENSIVE and overcooked stuff masquerading as food.