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Cooking decent, healthy and cheaply..


Well-Known Member
Back when I was college (UF for the unitiated), we used to fry turkeys for our football tail-gating parties. We'd inject it with some good marinade juices and then rub it with some cajun seasoning. Deep fry it until perfection. Damn, that's some good stuff.
I just use an injectable marinade. I've found the rub burns off quickly, and turns the skin black as opposed to that beautiful golden brown. Plus, it gives the oil a weird flavor for follow on use...


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Back when I was college (UF for the unitiated), we used to fry turkeys for our football tail-gating parties. We'd inject it with some good marinade juices and then rub it with some cajun seasoning. Deep fry it until perfection. Damn, that's some good stuff.

That was good stuff. I remember Rick's farewell tailgating party (not sure if you were still there). Stadium seating and multiple TVs AND turkeys. Mmmmm.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
When I get more than 3 minutes to browse AW with, I'll take a read!

Lets see 2.95 posts per day... Divided by 3 minutes a day on AW.... Subtract 30 seconds per post to type... 2 seconds or so for lag...

That leaves about .0000005 seconds to actually think about what you post...
I think I understand what's going on with you Joboy... ;)


Well-Known Member
I have a good one I made tonight..

Spicy Pork Stuffed Peppers.

2-4 Bell Peppers. Red, Green, they all work. Greens are cheaper.
1 lb Spicy ground pork sausage.
8 oz Tomato Paste. I used Ketchup becuse I need to go shopping
2-3 cups rice. I used Basmati Rice

Brown sausage. Cook Rice. Mix with tomato paste.. Spice to taste

Lop the top off the peppers. Clean them out. Stuff with mixture.

Bake for 1 hr at 350F..

Eat. Good.


Well-Known Member
So someone ran over my ex with a boat.. $100K richer! Beer on me..

(At least I thik thats her, hard to tell Manatees apart)