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Cool Flights I Have Done.


Well-Known Member
Had a few messages from members here asking about some of the cool flights I have got to do, so here are a few snaps taken with the guys and gals we have flown with.


NSAWC - Me Far left :)


First journo/photog to go flying in the SuperHornet with VFA122.


Flew with one of the Kelly Brothers at Strike Test back with Kevin Thomas was the Skipper there. That was a cool flight, even did a cat shot from the runway at Pax :)


Five flights in one week at Louis Trichardt AFB in South Africa while the Sukhoi was there doing some DACT and promo flying prior to the Intl Airshow at Pretoria.


Ground shot but in the poppy fields of Helmand Valley, Afghanistan. Some of you guys probs bombed the shit out of this place so here is the other side :)


Flight at TPS with Mike "Rabies" Rabens.


One of many flights at CFB Cold Lake with the RCAF Hornets, fun times.


FANG at Jacksonville, FL.


This was with the Norwegian Air Force. Shoot this day was F-16s and F5s.


3 Squadron, RAAF at Williamtown.


One of my fav shots, love it when a shot comes together. This was from the back seat of the SuperHornet and VFA122.


After the Mirage 2000-5 flight with Claude Martin.


F-16 at Luke AFB with Eric Rokke. Another cool flight.


T-38s at Vance in Enid, OK.


The box seat in the Huey II in Afghanistan.


Playing on the ground in Afghanistan with Afghan National Police while they were cutting down the poppies. This was tea time.

Will post some more as I find them. Just thought I would share with you guys some of the cool shit we sometimes get to do :)



It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
I know Rabies from way back when. He was a JO in VF-213 flying F-14As.

Nice pics. How much flight time have you got now?


Well-Known Member
For fun I kept a log book for a while and built up just over 800 hours with all my flights before I stopped doing a lot of fast jet stuff. Also included a mid air collision where a photo shoot went wrong. Was with the 93rd FS in Homestead. Pilot I was flying with got bit too close to another jet we were shooting and we took his nose off, and Dennis punched out and the jets still at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico off the Fl Keys.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Had a few messages from members here asking about some of the cool flights I have got to do, so here are a few snaps taken with the guys and gals we have flown with.

Will post some more as I find them. Just thought I would share with you guys some of the cool shit we sometimes get to do :)


Geez, as Ricky Ricardo said, "I'm yealous, Lucy"


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Had a few messages from members here asking about some of the cool flights I have got to do, so here are a few snaps taken with the guys and gals we have flown with.
Ned, awesome experiences & cool photos! As an experienced (retired) Attack Pilot, I felt kind of intimidated (in a good way), as I felt I had experienced a lot of "cool flights" in my ~4000 hrs. of flight, but most all in one type aircraft, the Skyhawk, which once in it's heyday, pretty cool, also. What is mind boggling to me is that as a civilian, you have been given the opportunity to fly in so many different, modern war-jets from so many countries, all over the world! It's a good thing you have those great photos to back you up, for I think if you laid your flight experiences out to the average military aviator in a bar, they wouldn't believe it.:eek:

Questions: Are you a New Zealand national or U.S. citizen? Were you once a 'rated' military pilot, or is your interest in military aviation strictly as a photographer? Also, tongue in cheek, I found it kinda interesting, that all your cool photos didn't include a SH pose in front of a war-'Plopter' seeing that is your HeliOps Publication specialty!;)

BTW, I was heavily involved with the RNZAF transition to A-4 Skyhawks in the late '60s. I was an IP in A-4 RAG VA-44 @ Cecil, and Sponsor Officer for the late Group Capt. (then SqdnLdr) W. Ross Donaldson RNZAF, in early '69. Assisted him setting up the A-4 Pilot & Maint. training syllabi. Unfortunately his flying career came to an abrupt end in late '69, when he collided with a large mallard duck, & was severely injured (lost an eye) then ejected on a low-level nav flight.:(
SqdnLdr Ross Donaldson 1969.jpgSqLdr Ross Donaldson RNZAF @ VA-44.jpg
*SqdnLdr W. "Kiwi" Donaldson, RNZAF, 1969

With all due respects to your truly 'cool flights', I wouldn't swap my flight experiences with anyone. Keep the cool photos coming, they are fascinating!


Well-Known Member
BzB - Thanks and have been very lucky over the years. These were just ones I managed to do some shots in front of the planes after the flight, the majority I just forgot to do :)

Some of my most mem would include:

B52 from Barskdale AFB incl air to air refuelling :)
Mirage F1AZ in South Africa
Cheetah D in South Africa
C130 in Australia
F18s in Finland
F16s in Oregon
110th FS (F15s) MoANG
Weapons Test Sqn - China Lake.

Never was a rated fixed wing pilot but did have my helo pilots licence (civvy of course). Since most attach helos its impossible to get into because they are strict two crew requirements I have been limited there. Have done front seat of a Cobra in Hawaii with the 1/25th at Schofield Barracks. Flew in the CH53 at Rotary Wing Test and done bunch of flying in Hueys/Blackhawks etc in Afghanistan. Did do an uber cool shoot with the NSAWC helo squadron which nearly ended up in a smokin hole. Not sure what manouver you call it but we were flying parrallel to each other in one direction with good separation and then both would turn in towards each other in a pretty steep turn and end up side by side. Well not sure who overcooked the turn in but the pilot of the Seahawk I was in had to wrench the collective up around his ears and the other Seahawk dissapeared right under the doorway that I and the crewchief were sitting in with not much room to spare. Needless to say it was a knock it off and head back to base. I wasnt allowed to sit in on the debrief but presume some what happened questions were asked.

And yes am a Kiwi citizen thru and thru. Never been in the military but old man was for many years, NZ Army so grew up a mil brat.

Was one of the last Kiwis to get to fly with 75 Sqn in the Skyhawk when the RNZAF were about to retire them. Loved it, great aircraft and sad our fucktard Govt got rid of them. Have added couple of pics below for you. Will also post few more pics from my files for all to enjoy.









"You can't make this shit up..."
Great shots and great opportunities - sounds like the basis for a great book!