Well, I wasn't in TPC, and ran screaming and giggling like a kid at xmas over to the demo bird. She was what Boeing called a white tail, only had 20 hours on the airframe, and had nothing in the tube except bags of lead pellets to increase the aircraft's weight (they wanted to simulate bagged out aircraft). There weren't any pylons, or anything else. The only thing it did have was a fuselage fuel tank. The thing that sucked, was the aircraft was swarmed by 53 dudes. The Boeing reps were great about taking the time to answer questions for the P3 guys, opening up the nav bay, engine cowling, and going through the cockpit features. Plus, did you go to that brief the next day? They showed all the flight numbers and stats.... that is about all I recall from the event.zab1001 said:As long as it stays on track and provides food for inteligent, or at least humorous/entertaining posts, keep it rolling. My 'aft bomb bay' comment came from the 'promo card' or whatever was on that website. Unlike SOME people...Webmaster...I didn't get to see/tour the MMA demo plane...I can't quite remember what I was doing, but I think whatever it was, it sucked, TPC maybe...I did swipe one of those leather MMA 737 coasters from a new 3P at the club in K-Bay. Did the demo plane have wing pylons? If so, how many?
BTW, can I have my leather MMA 737 coaster back?