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corpus crash


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
There are some video feeds at www.kristv.com. Otherwise, as Crowbar has said, there's nothing official, so maintain ziplip.

I'm opening this back up only because there's a news story associated w/ it now. However, consider the thread on probation.


Registered User

The local TV station (KRIS) has confirmed that both the SNA and instructor died in the crash. This is tragic for the Navy and VT-27. Its horrible that a squadron can have a 15 year safety record, and then have two crashes so close together. God be with the families of the deceased.


We need T-6 Avatars
Yeah, i don't understand the point of stupid hypotheticals from her when there is a tragedy like this. I hope the coverage gets a little more respectful.


Registered User
KIIITV is better. (Which is cable channel 3.) They are doing a very good job and being very respectful!
My prayers are with the families.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
KRIS-TV is a bunch of idiots. They were nice enough to show the body bags being pulled from the area. This has got to be some of the worst coverage of something like this. The news director sent in the B-team and they sure have made a mockery of the whole thing. I CANNOT believe that as the video of the those pilots being carried away was rolling the reporters were actually talking about how unsafe and scared the residents are. F@*kers.
I have 3 friends training with the Boomers right now and luckily just got the call they are all okay.

Prayers are with the families/friends of both the officers.



D_macs Wife
I agree that channel 3 is doing a much better job of the coverage. For some reason I can not pull up a website for them, I am not sure if they just don't have one or what. Anyway... These crazy people complaining about it being unsafe need to move if they are that scared. They chose to live there, and I am sure they are aware that this is a training area. These men and women up in those planes are in training to fight for these crazy peoples freedom. Plus these people I have seen don't seem to upset or worried about these pilots that lost their life, or the families of these pilots. I think it was in very poor taste for 6 news to show the body bags, totally not called for. The family and friends of these two pilots are in my thoughts and prayers. My God Bless them.



Registered User
did the thread i made on this subject get deleted?

am i losing my mind, going blind, or did my thread never actually post?


Registered User
That's funny, I used a few of the same key words:

"Dear Sir or Ma'am,

I watched your 5:00 report on today's crash from your website. I was appalled when exactly half of the 2 minute 42 second report was spent discussing the dangers posed to civilians. I was also appalled that it seemed appropriate to mention this just after footage of bodybags being "pulled from the wreckage". If the mood of sailors could only be described as somber, then the mood of your news team could only be described as apathetic."

btw I had to scour the site to find an email address. Turns out I had to follow the link for "advertise with us".


Everyone leave, I have to poop. NOW!!!
Yeah, I gave KRIS-TV a piece of my mind. I don't care about being PC, so I let my fingers do the talking.

Your coverage of the T-34 crash on Friday, 27 January was nothing less than apathetic and apalling. There were two brave souls onboard that aircraft, and all you reported is how residents are concerned with their own safety. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Those residents chose to live there, and if those residents are afraid for their own safety, they should move. All your pathetic, so-called news team focused on the residents, not the brave individuals who died serving and protecting their country. Congratulations, you've probably succeeded in making today's tragic loss harder on the families who lost their loved ones. Maybe you should rethink your coverage and issue an apology.