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corpus crash


showing the body bags on tv was obviously disrespectful, but the channel reported the fact that the people on the ground felt they were in danger because that is what they all said in interviews. Put yourself in joe schmo's shoes, sitting at home watching TV or whatever and a plane comes crashing through your front yard. obviously you would be scared if you were that guy, and would probably say so if asked by a reporter right after the crash without even thinking about how insensitive you might seem. We deal with the danger because its our job and we expect it, that's what makes us military aviators. You can't expect the general public to react the same way we would. and while I agree that people who move near airports and then complain about airplane noise are morons, I think someone who has a plane crash next to their house should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding any comments they make in the immediate aftermath.


Registered User
I just finished up in VT-27 2 months ago and this hits very close to home. We can't control the media but lets all try and pay our respects to our comrades and not get cynincal about the situation.


New Member
theduke said:
did the thread i made on this subject get deleted?

am i losing my mind, going blind, or did my thread never actually post?

It was one of four or five duplicate threads that either got deleted or merged into this one.


New Member
nocal80 said:
showing the body bags on tv was obviously disrespectful, but the channel reported the fact that the people on the ground felt they were in danger because that is what they all said in interviews. Put yourself in joe schmo's shoes, sitting at home watching TV or whatever and a plane comes crashing through your front yard. obviously you would be scared if you were that guy, and would probably say so if asked by a reporter right after the crash without even thinking about how insensitive you might seem. We deal with the danger because its our job and we expect it, that's what makes us military aviators. You can't expect the general public to react the same way we would. and while I agree that people who move near airports and then complain about airplane noise are morons, I think someone who has a plane crash next to their house should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding any comments they make in the immediate aftermath.

I've been trying to think of an effective way to say this, but it looks like somebody did it for me.


Registered User
nocal80 said:
showing the body bags on tv was obviously disrespectful, but the channel reported the fact that the people on the ground felt they were in danger because that is what they all said in interviews. Put yourself in joe schmo's shoes, sitting at home watching TV or whatever and a plane comes crashing through your front yard. obviously you would be scared if you were that guy, and would probably say so if asked by a reporter right after the crash without even thinking about how insensitive you might seem. We deal with the danger because its our job and we expect it, that's what makes us military aviators. You can't expect the general public to react the same way we would. and while I agree that people who move near airports and then complain about airplane noise are morons, I think someone who has a plane crash next to their house should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding any comments they make in the immediate aftermath.

Yeah, but the News Channel blatantly cuts from the footage of the crash to another reporter that is just anxiously waiting to get her face seen on TV. That is how distasteful it is. I was a journalism major in college, so nothing really phases me with journalism tactics, but this was HORRIBLE. If I were the News Director, I would be having a meeting with those 2 reporters ASAP and have a talk about ethics, etc..... I guess that they didn't take their ethics media classes seriously. They really toed the line with this one!
Don't think for one second that the reporters didn't know that the people would be shaken about it. That is why they are always there so fast....they want to get an opinion from an eye witness and run with it without any repurcussions. They like to use and abuse the innocent! I COMPLETELY fault the news channel for the substandard reporting.


Registered User
I wouldn't doubt at all that we had a significant influence on that. Good to hear. At least one senior member of the production team has their head on half straight.


It appears the family ID'd the IP to a local paper, but haven't seen any official release yet.


Ask me about ninjas!
I flew with the IP once or twice last year. An outstanding Instructor, despite being very, very fresh from IUT when I flew with him. I learned quite a bit about RIs and aviation in general from him, and I promise that he will be missed in many ways.

I can understand where the residents are coming from, but I find it difficult to sympathize with them. It's not like the Navy just up and planted two airfields in the middle of a city.

There are some rumors floating around about the circumstances of what happened, but they're just that right now. Some are disturbing, but others speak highly of the character of those in our line of work. I refuse to speculate or elaborate until the official results have been released, but my spider sense tells me that these people have no cause to bitch.

I think it would do us all to remember what a dangerous profession this is, whether Billy-Joe Hillbilly chooses to acknowledge it or not. And that being said, try to walk with a smile on your face. Study, be well-prepared, take safety seriously, but walk lightheartedly. Because you never know when that last walk to the line might be your last. I know that I wouldn't want to go out, knowing that I could have smiled one last smile to the people I care about, but didn't.

"A little levity is appropriate in a dangerous profession."

Times like these, "High Flight" comes to mind...


Naval Radiator
When was the last time two T-34 mishaps occurred this close together? Any ideas on how the training command will react?


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
FLOUR BLUFF - We now know the identities of the two pilots killed in Friday's Navy training tragedy. Naval officials say instructor Lt. Raul David Jimenez, 31, of Freeport, Texas, and student pilot Ensign Jeremy Lee Drag, 24, of Millington, Illinois, both died in the crash.

From local news report.



Living the Dream
primary28 said:
When was the last time two T-34 mishaps occurred this close together? Any ideas on how the training command will react?
That's a good question. It's difficult to say how, exactly they'll react. I know I was flying shortly after it happened on Friday and they called on guard for all T-34 traffic to contact their bases and RTB. They didn't say anything to the helos, at least not at that time. Only one of the five TW-5 squadrons (3 T-34, 2 TH-57) has a safety stand down set for tomorow. I know that this has been a bad month for CNATRA to say the least. After the T-39 crashed and the last T-34 LAPL, they had a "Safety Pause" to make sure we were all good to go. That was only 2 weeks ago, so who knows what they'll do now. They have to walk the fine line between taking the time to evaluate the current status of training, and not disrupting the training pipeline any more than absolutely necessary. I don't envy them that decision. My prayers go out to the family and friends of the guys that went down.