Rant in Reply
4 weeks? That bites, big time. 4 f*****g weeks! That's abominable. I sense green eye shade pukes cutting budgets vice paying attention to preparing Mids for the Fleet & Fleet Marine Force. 4 f*****g weeks! That's just appalling. :icon_rage I am somewhat reluctant to admit this but my CORTRAMID was 6 weeks and there were seniors at my NROTC Unit that had the 8 week version (same for 3/C cruise also).
We did not get a full week for each community. We got three weeks in aviation, with one tac jet ride and two or three primary trainer rides.
We got a composite 3 weeks of amphibious warfare and surface warfare (only a sub tour not a full week and not underway). The amphib training included a practice amphib landing, M-16s (with blanks).
I think you all are being short-changed. I very disheartened. This is a false economy. Midn belong with the fleet as much as possible before commissioning. I glean from all these threads that it's been reduced to an aggregate total of about 12 weeks in three summer cruises. That s***s. You deserve much more.
4 weeks? That bites, big time. 4 f*****g weeks! That's abominable. I sense green eye shade pukes cutting budgets vice paying attention to preparing Mids for the Fleet & Fleet Marine Force. 4 f*****g weeks! That's just appalling. :icon_rage I am somewhat reluctant to admit this but my CORTRAMID was 6 weeks and there were seniors at my NROTC Unit that had the 8 week version (same for 3/C cruise also).
We did not get a full week for each community. We got three weeks in aviation, with one tac jet ride and two or three primary trainer rides.

I think you all are being short-changed. I very disheartened. This is a false economy. Midn belong with the fleet as much as possible before commissioning. I glean from all these threads that it's been reduced to an aggregate total of about 12 weeks in three summer cruises. That s***s. You deserve much more.