My eyes and forehead will hurt from just one night of insufficient sleep, so twelve weeks of consistent sleep deprivation is going to be brutal. Maybe a B12 shot will help. So what about after OCS... will my entire career be filled with sub-par sleep? I'm not sure I want others depending on me if I can only sleep <7 hours. I've always had a problem with sleeping, so I know that it can be detrimental to my performance.
That depends on your designator. I would say no, but i'm only coming from the aviation side of things. Lazers can attest for the SWO world.
As far as aviation goes, (again this is only my experience up to Primary flight training), you will have no problems in IFS or API getting sleep.
Primary isn't bad either but there are days where I am up early to the squadron to brief, have a flight, come back and debrief and come home and its 1700 or 1800 and I still have to study and prepare for the next days flight.
You are entitled to 12 hours of crew rest...which means that there have to be 12 solid hours from the time you leave the squadron until the time you can come back. That sounds great, but keep in mind, you probably will still need to eat, prepare a flight plan for the next day, get your stuff ready and THEN sleep or whatever. So that 12 hours dwindles down quickly. It's all about time management.
Other days, you get lucky and won't have a flight until 1400 and so you can sleep in a little bit. I'm sure the fleet is vastly different, but thats my experience up to now.
And yes we got our asses kicked for my buddy getting caught sleeping....that was a horrible, horrible day...but its hilarious now.