I’m much more likely to trust the opinions of a couple of experts who are in the trenches dealing with this in a daily basis. Not so much from an “expert” in D.C. who bases everything on a model that has yet to be proven correct.
Those guys are co-owners of some urgent care centers and are likely seeing their business suffer because of those folks who are scared to get treated at the aforementioned centers. They aren't dealing with the serious cases, the ones that need hospitalization because those people go to an
actual hospital and not some storefront urgent care center that gives you a prescription because it burns when you pee.
So why are a pair of docs on some local TV show doing a 'news conference' getting such attention? Because the vast majority of health care professionals think this is pretty damn serious, and not just folks in the medical branch of the deep state in DC. Not just in this country either but the vast majority of countries worldwide. But hey, these two storefront wonder boys know better...