How does that even remotely make sense?
Hint: it doesn’t, and it’s bc of teachers unions
We probably all know good teachers that truly care for children. I have 2 in my family (cared actually, both retired). But if teachers unions say and do stupid things in the name of teachers, then it must be true the majority of teachers support their union's nonsense or they would be voted out. Coordinated strikes/protests by various teachers unions demand the a variety of the following following. Medicare for all, removal of all school resource officers, wealth tax, and zero threat of covid.
We hear constantly that teachers deserve honor and respect on the same level as military, LE, first responders, and lately medical personnel in the fight against the pandemic. Well bull crap to that! Cops, firefighters, EMS, and hospital medical personnel have done their duty and more during the pandemic. National Guard troops have administered covid tests and performed other duties. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have stepped up. Unionized grocery store workers have not refused to come to work. And the teachers union says no thanks. Too dangerous. Next time someone says teachers are heros, ask them what teachers did during the pandemic for America's children.