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Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
Medically, they have to be isolated. Grouping them together wouldn’t fly either because one person who DID get it could then spread to others who DIDN’T, but got it once they all had to quarantine together. There’s no good solution for this other than stopping it all. And the Navy can’t do that. Even after the rest of the country goes back to “normal”, the military will still have restrictions in place long after. Judging from what I’ve seen of other services, I think the Navy will continue to be the most restrictive.
So? They could force you to take your personal leave, they could force you to take unpaid leave, they could assign you to a duty from home. I’m already seeing people forced to pull their kids out of daycare for a week just because they are awaiting COVID test results from a contact-exposure (and the test results turned out negative, but the kids still had to be held out of school until that week is up). Certain companies are beginning to require their workforce the get the vaccine and also be COVID-free.


Bullets don't fly without Supply


Registered User
So? They could force you to take your personal leave, they could force you to take unpaid leave, they could assign you to a duty from home. I’m already seeing people forced to pull their kids out of daycare for a week just because they are awaiting COVID test results from a contact-exposure (and the test results turned out negative, but the kids still had to be held out of school until that week is up). Certain companies are beginning to require their workforce the get the vaccine and also be COVID-free.
The Navy CANNOT force you to take leave to ROM or quarantine. That is against their official policy. My comments are solely about the Navy. It varies by command, but “close contact” with a confirmed positive results in a 7-14 day period where you are told to not come to work and stay away from the people with whom you work.

Also, if you think most of the sailors onboard a ship, or in a squadron, can telework, I’d encourage you to do your FY21 AT embarked on a ship or attached to a squadron in order to gain some fleet exposure. Not a lot of working from home to be done by the people using, maintaining, and operating ships, boats, and planes out in the fleet.


Well-Known Member
The Navy CANNOT force you to take leave to ROM or quarantine. That is against their official policy. My comments are solely about the Navy. It varies by command, but “close contact” with a confirmed positive results in a 7-14 day period where you are told to not come to work and stay away from the people with whom you work.

Also, if you think most of the sailors onboard a ship, or in a squadron, can telework, I’d encourage you to do your FY21 AT embarked on a ship or attached to a squadron in order to gain some fleet exposure. Not a lot of working from home to be done by the people using, maintaining, and operating ships, boats, and planes out in the fleet.
Yeah, ROM's and quarantines aren't burning leave. And the Gov is even paying contractors to stay home if possibly exposed to a contact, etc. As the vaccine is/becomes available to all (at least in this industry), this stuff needs to go away. I also am quite certain that the active folks will be required as soon as it's no longer under the EUA.

I also made some posts in support of Crozier, knowing what we knew at the time. I found it a weird dichotomy of those with left/right political views and where they fell on his decision at the time, the lockdowns at the time, and the lockdowns moving forward as the economy continued to crash and people continued to suicide away, with no "science" actually saying that it was working. Just pushing the goalposts further, until we had a new president. I'm definitely not saying that that is why Cuomo et al are now wanting to open up during a surge.... But it's how I see it and I will continue to call it like I see it :).

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
The Navy CANNOT force you to take leave to ROM or quarantine. That is against their official policy. My comments are solely about the Navy. It varies by command, but “close contact” with a confirmed positive results in a 7-14 day period where you are told to not come to work and stay away from the people with whom you work.

Also, if you think most of the sailors onboard a ship, or in a squadron, can telework, I’d encourage you to do your FY21 AT embarked on a ship or attached to a squadron in order to gain some fleet exposure. Not a lot of working from home to be done by the people using, maintaining, and operating ships, boats, and planes out in the fleet.
You’re missing my point. My point is, as social norms and fundamental realities change, so do Navy policies and private sector policies.

At some point, if the situation changes dramatically, the Navy or private company is going to say, “keep working anyway; we can’t have you on ROM for 39 weeks a year just because you keep running into people who tested positive.” This could happen, for example, if the tests start to give off lots of false positives and/or testing frequency increases. They’ll change the marker from “near someone who tested positive” to “came into physical contact” or some other, higher threshhold.

And lastly, when I say telework, I mean death by GMT or bs administrivia. I didn’t assume it would be productive for the sailor or the command. If the circumstances change and the Navy is suddenly facing an unlikely disaster scenario, say, where 25% of its workforce is on ROM at any given time because of viral spread and testing, you can bet someone will find a way to use that untapped manpower - even if it’s the telework equivalent of scrubbing the head with a toothbrush. Or, they’ll just say to hell with telework, we’re going to make you do X task today instead of just watch Netflix. Again, policies can change as realities change.


Still learning
Honestly I don't know what's real and what's false information anymore. There's so much conflicting detail you'd think we were living in two different worlds with two different pandemics.


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Honestly I don't know what's real and what's false information anymore. There's so much conflicting detail you'd think we were living in two different worlds with two different pandemics.

...divided neatly along political boundaries. Which is exactly how the powers that be seem to like it. Information overload effectively keeps the masses divided.

Not sure how we'll get the band back together after this. If in fact there even is a band, and they want to get back together.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
I just wanted to quote a couple of old posts that have aged pretty well.

March 13th:
I’m surprised there isn’t a thread already on the Wuhan corona virus. Looks like DoD travel restrictions are beginning.

And a few days later on March 17th:
Alright, I'm going to need everyone to check their egos and take a bit of constructive criticism.

I've been watching this situation unfold since January 17th and have been putting out daily updates on a different forum with high accuracy every day since then. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen this shit coming.
The virus is just one piece of the puzzle. As bad as it is (and yes, it is bad), we are also facing economic distress, collapse of the national healthcare system, supply chain disruptions and disruption of social order. And the cherry on top- this is a 100 year opportunity that will undoubtedly be taken advantage of by adversaries to further their own policies and agendas and upset the apple cart of the global balance of power.

although tomorrow will have been one year to the day since the underlined part

I dunno about the apple cart of the global balance of power (the real economic fallout is still to come but it's going to hurt everyone) but the disruption of social order thing has happened.

It'll be interesting to revisit this again, sometime this summer.


Well-Known Member
An administration that has been trying to highlight China's role in federal government's inadequate response to the pandemic for the past year puts out a statement with claims but provides no specifics to back them up? Hardly shocking news.

I'm not opposed to China's involvement being investigated with no stone left unturned, including the WIV, if that's even possible given China's lack of cooperation, but this particular statement doesn't mean a whole lot to me considering its source.


Registered User
An administration that has been trying to highlight China's role in federal government's inadequate response to the pandemic for the past year puts out a statement with claims but provides no specifics to back them up? Hardly shocking news.

I'm not opposed to China's involvement being investigated with no stone left unturned, including the WIV, if that's even possible given China's lack of cooperation, but this particular statement doesn't mean a whole lot to me considering its source.

I don't think anybody's position is really that we should dismiss the possibility of Chinese research involvement in this, the point is there are some suspicious indicators but no really solid proof that would change our behavior one way or the other.

We should be taking measures to ensure we are more resilient to a pandemic in the future regardless of "whodunit." If that involves keeping critical manufacturing to a minimum level here, do it. If it involves requiring other nations partake in a common standard of medical transparency and cooperation to engage in global travel and trade with us, do it. There's no need to prove China was or wasn't definitely responsible to do any of those things.

Mandatory contact tracing, smartphone apps, travel restrictions, and curfews. China is already doing this. You can’t go into a corner market or grocery store without showing proof of the app installed on your phone (and QR code scan-in).

Before everybody freaks out with "Communists," that well known bastion of socialism and repression called Australia is doing the same. Except instead of apps, they're using QR code check ins.