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Well-Known Member
They are a fucking island nation. Why is this concept so hard to grasp?
They had community transmission, Aussies giving it to Aussies, in a metropolitan area (Melbourne) with over 5,000,000 people living there. That’s Los Angeles size. That put them on equal footing with every other country that had community transmission.Why is that concept so hard to grasp?

Different policies led to different outcomes.


Registered User
The science has undergone a 180 degree shift in under two months. Incredible to think that a vaccinated individual wearing a mask (possibly even two!!) indoors in March 2021 was peak science, and as of May 13th a vaccinated individual no longer needed to wear a mask indoors! Miracle of miracles!! I can’t wait to hear Dr. Fauci testify before Congress about what scientific advancements resulted in a complete reversal of previous science in such a short period of time!



Well-Known Member
The science has undergone a 180 degree shift in under two months. Incredible to think that a vaccinated individual wearing a mask (possibly even two!!) indoors in March 2021 was peak science, and as of May 13th a vaccinated individual no longer needed to wear a mask indoors! Miracle of miracles!! I can’t wait to hear Dr. Fauci testify before Congress about what scientific advancements resulted in a complete reversal of previous science in such a short period of time!

His premise for vaccinated people wearing masks was variants. That was his grand hill to die on. His “ace in the hole.”

Why aren’t variants scary now?


Active Member
No need to apologize. Like everywhere, they have done some things well and some things extremely poorly indeed.
We bet most of the farm on AstraZeneca. Now that there are issues with that. We are scrambling around looking for more suitable vaccines. At this stage it looks like mid 2022 before we will have enough vaccine. Then as it's confirmed that there is minimal transmission from a vaccinated person of the current variants. Returning travellers can quarantine at home and not the physically impossible for all, hotel quarantine. I can't see it being earlier than late 2022, that we open up and you can freely travel back and forwards to see your family..
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Active Member
They had community transmission, Aussies giving it to Aussies, in a metropolitan area (Melbourne) with over 5,000,000 people living there. That’s Los Angeles size. That put them on equal footing with every other country that had community transmission. Why is that concept so hard to grasp?

Different policies led to different outcomes.
Victoria messed up and was our second wave for 2 months, before they were able to bring it under control. They had 820 of our total 910 deaths. The more populated Sydney has a total 54 deaths.
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Standing by for the RIF !
Well the Chain of Command is working swiftly. Full normal office routine tomorrow. No masks. No distancing. Teleworking based on operational needs and not COVID related. I will be able to go to base BK and Subway sans mask too! 30764


Registered User


Registered User
For the pro-NPI and mandatory vaccination crowd on here, do you not find actions like this to be extremely strange? These are the people who literally announced the miraculous change in science just last week, and now they’re seeming to send a message that the science is no longer valid or they disagree with it. Or, even worse, they’re like half of the NIH, FDA, and CDC employees who are currently unvaccinated.

Just curious, I’m sure you won’t respond though because you’re all hanging out on the Space Force Marxist thread now telling people how their experiences don’t matter because “tHe PlUrAl Of AnEcDoTeS iSn’T dAtA!!”
