The data has shown over and over that masks are pointless theater.

The data has shown over and over that masks are pointless theater.
Still clinging, like I said. Some people just can’t admit it’s out of their control.
Plenty of actual studies showing that masks don’t do shit. They’re all over this thread. There’s a reason why the CDC never recommended masks for other respiratory viruses. But yeah I’m cherry picking data. I wish I had some ironclad evidence like an online survey or interviews with 139 salon patrons.You mean the cherry-picked data that supports your pre-existing bent shows that. There’s a lot more that shows great efficacy, especially when both parties wear them. I’ll trust the CDC over individual internet “research” any day.
Plenty of actual studies showing that masks don’t do shit.
CDC & Fomenting Media . . . . . not a whole lot of difference between the two. And their alliances / mutual support have been exposed repeatedly. Not a big surprise there is doubt as to the accuracy and motivation of their official information.I'll believe them before the usual suspects in the media who helped foment the antimask/antivax idiocy in the first place.
It's important to understand what the CDC is, and what it isn't.Yes, masks do significantly reduce transmission. The CDC says so. At any rate, your statement,"Masks do not work. That’s not even in question." is certainly open for question if the CDC says you're wrong. I'll believe them before the usual suspects in the media who helped foment the antimask/antivax idiocy in the first place.
They aren't a neutral party in any scientific debate, and they aren't concerned with any particular individual's health. When there is conflicting research, such as the efficacy of masks, they will err on the side of conservatism because that is consistent with their mission statement.CDC Mission Statement said:CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.
CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise.
You continue to divert by talking about natural immunity and it wasn’t even part of the original question. The discussion was about Ivermectin.Your obsession about my private medical history and decisions take away from your argument. Whether or not I’ve elected to receive the vaccine or have already had covid has nothing to do with the discussion.
Disregarding natural immunity towards covid is anti-scientific. It exists. The reason why “the experts” are calling for everyone to get a vaccine, regardless of prior infection, is because they “don’t know how long natural immunity lasts”. Looks like it’s better than the vaccine, actually.
Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?
Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated - compared to just 1% who had been infected
The studies to which I was referring are the ones literally used to grant the EUA. The CDC Director and Dr. Fauci didn’t get in the front of the American people with the claim that the vaccine prevented people from spreading the virus out of thin air, did they? If the vaccine were NOT so effective, how would the DOD justify mandating it for all service members?
Funny how you can take a jab at me and my belief in natural immunity by telling me to go hang out in a covid ward but I can’t make a joke about NFOs needing glasses.
Which study was this? Cite your source….“Studies”, high quality ones, also showed that getting vaccinated prevented infection and subsequent transmission of covid. How’d those studies turn out? Oh yeah, they’re the same ones being used to mandate the vaccine now. Whoops! BuT tHe ScIeNcE cHaNgEd Bc Of VaRiAnTs!!! Uh huh.
It’s not diverting at all. I used the “scientific” community’s complete disregard for natural immunity as an example of how politically driven vaccines and the ensuing mandates have become. Besides, who cares if I bring up natural immunity? It’s a very relevant topic in regards to covid. If you don’t like what I’m saying, block me or don’t respond.You continue to divert by talking about natural immunity and it wasn’t even part of the original question. The discussion was about Ivermectin.
Which study was this? Cite your source….
….and by the way, I hate to break it to you “Mr. Covid expert”, but science always changes and evolves….
Masks absolutely DO work! That’s why Japan is seeing such low case counts right now with 97% compliance!![]()
An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19
The science around the use of masks by the public to impede COVID-19 transmission is advancing rapidly. In this narrative review, we develop an analytical framework to examine mask usage, synthesizing the relevant literature to inform multiple areas: population impact,
Science | AAAS
Study shows efficacy of face masks in reducing COVID-19 transmission among infected individuals
Study showed that the wearing of face masks in those infected with COVID-19 significantly reduced transmission of the
I don’t understand why so many govt officials, citizens, and news media are hard-set on letting the CDC dictate how our entire country runs, including whether or not people should be allowed to attend church or school, or keep their business open. The country is more than it’s health status - it’s also an economy and a society. You wouldn’t let the Army’s artillery career field make all decisions for the entire Dept of Defense, and yet that’s what we’re doing if we let the CDC make sweeping decisions that profoundly affect small businesses, commerce, public schools, national security, societal freedoms like assembly and religion that apparently have fallen off the Constitution (unless you are protesting against the police), etc. Doesn’t anyone realize you have to balance the health interest against other interests?It's important to understand what the CDC is, and what it isn't.
What it is: a federal executive branch entity charged with making national public health recommendations to federally elected officials.
They aren't a neutral party in any scientific debate, and they aren't concerned with any particular individual's health. When there is conflicting research, such as the efficacy of masks, they will err on the side of conservatism because that is consistent with their mission statement.
Crikey!Australia going full retard…
ACT enters seven-day lockdown as four new cases of COVID-19 recorded
The Australian Capital Territory goes into lockdown after the territory records its first cases of COVID-19 in 105