At least that one has a respiratory particle represented on it, which is a good start (seriously), but it's only a partial answer.In the context of mask effectiveness, I thought this was an interesting graphic . . . .
The science of filtration has a bit more to it. Some of the rote knowledge NATOPS checkers would make you memorize that the ____ system had a 30 micron filter. A good "back at you" question is what % of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. micron-sized pieces of crud that the filter will stop.* That's how the "spit catcher" concept of face masks works, and not all masks are equally effective- not at all. The crappy ones catch a bit of your flying spit but a lot of average ones catch a pretty fair amount of your flying spit (but not all). And the really good ones that catch nearly all of it are of a very particular type and fitment.
Another problem here is half the voting-age population was eating paste back in public school science class (and probably couldn't find Afghanistan on a world map either, but that's the subject of a different thread...).
* Technique-only on your NATOPS check to offend the checker for one asking stupid questions but more important two they themselves not understanding the meaning or relevance of the "correct" answers to those questions.