I hope they get their asses sued into bankruptcy! Politics doesn’t belong in medicine! Do they deny transplants to smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics?Happened to see this in the news today.
Hospital system says it will deny transplants to the unvaccinated in ‘almost all situations’
Yes, they deny transplants to alcoholics and drug addicts all the time. Additionally some smokers have been denied.I hope they get their asses sued into bankruptcy! Politics doesn’t belong in medicine! Do they deny transplants to smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics?
Yes, they deny transplants to alcoholics and drug addicts all the time. Additionally some smokers have been denied.
Following your links said nothing about Colorado. And they used words “may” and “could”. The link Randy linked said “will”. Did you fail every NATOPS or do you not understand the differences in each of those words? Do you want to find a few more “possible” counter arguments! Or you just going to edit and moderate my post cause the truth hurts?Yes, they deny transplants to alcoholics and drug addicts all the time. Additionally some smokers have been denied.
Do you want to try another allegory that fits your narrative?
I'd be all about that. I'm at 21.something... bring it!All true, just as companies charge you more for health insurance if you smoke, etc - I am actually surprised the insurance companies have not made BMI as part of the equation to charge more.
Well, at least you allowed for case law. I can't take serious anyone who looks to the printed Constitution for specific authorization for every action the government takes. Ignorance. But since you mentioned case law, you should know that there are several Supreme Court opinions that permit mandated vaccines. It goes back 100 years or more. Even since the covid pandemic, federal appeals courts have ruled for the government in every case I am aware of, and the US Supreme Court appears to be fine with it since they haven't taken any of the them up for review. Now all that means is the government CAN impose certain mandates in the interests of public health. If you don't agree with the mandates you have recourse. But unless it involves a very novel legal argument or unusually restrictive mandate (which we haven't seen yet) your recourse is political , not legal.Can you show us where in the Constitution and US case law it says you need to be vaccinated to exercise your 1st amendment rights or engage in interstate commerce?
And now they are vaccinated and I am vaccinated, same as you are, and life is normal. I sucked it up until we could all get vaccinated, instead of being a crybaby about it.You mean your immune challenges grad student or neighbor who can get the vax and thereby be protected?
LOL, I worked in the office/lab all the way through the pandemic, and worked volunteer EMS too. Before and after getting vaccinated.And yes, I am fully aware how afraid you would be if not vaxed.
NoThe vaccine is protecting you and only you!
Your article… nice try..And now they are vaccinated and I am vaccinated, same as you are, and life is normal. I sucked it up until we could all get vaccinated, instead of being a crybaby about it.
LOL, I worked in the office/lab all the way through the pandemic, and worked volunteer EMS too. Before and after getting vaccinated.
So...what is your opinion on your covid ideological brethren, the people that agree with you 100% on mandates, ivermectin, masks, etc., but are unvaccinated and at risk (overweight)?
How about the ideological twins who agreed with you on all things Covid, but once in the hospital on high flow O2 wish they had gotten the vaccine, and actually recommend it to others? Traitors to the cause?
Study ties COVID vaccines to lower transmission rates
You were wetting yourself about someone making you a sandwich without a mask onAnd now they are vaccinated and I am vaccinated, same as you are, and life is normal. I sucked it up until we could all get vaccinated, instead of being a crybaby about it.
LOL, I worked in the office/lab all the way through the pandemic, and worked volunteer EMS too. Before and after getting vaccinated.
So...what is your opinion on your covid ideological brethren, the people that agree with you 100% on mandates, ivermectin, masks, etc., but are unvaccinated and at risk (overweight)?
How about the ideological twins who agreed with you on all things Covid, but once in the hospital on high flow O2 wish they had gotten the vaccine, and actually recommend it to others? Traitors to the cause?
Study ties COVID vaccines to lower transmission rates
Oh, sorry..I didn’t realize you only meant Colorado. ? I was just answering your question below. I guess proper pronouns elude you. ?Following your links said nothing about Colorado. And they used words “may” and “could”. The link Randy linked said “will”. Did you fail every NATOPS or do you not understand the differences in each of those words? Do you want to find a few more “possible” counter arguments! Or you just going to edit and moderate my post cause the truth hurts?
By the way, I could list lots of other examples. I ain’t trying to fit any narrative. Denying anybody medical care is illegal and bullshit!
Do they deny transplants to smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics?