Oh?Because it is a tool in the fight.
View attachment 33749
100% of the people getting a 50% effective vaccine is the equivalent of 50% of the people getting a 100% effective vaccine. So in some ways we’re there.
So, if we’re “there”, it’s no longer a “dempanic of the unvaccinated”? Interesting, because that’s right in line with this gentleman’s thinking.
“The seasons have changed, however, and case trends along with it. The Midwest and the Northeast are now the epicenter of the latest COVID surge.
And just like that, inexplicably, the media’s no longer interested in blaming local officials or the political beliefs of residents for the dramatic increase in COVID cases. Imagine that!
After scores of hysterical articles on Florida were written, despite the fact that the inevitable crash of cases and hospitalizations in the state almost immediately proved them wrong, interestingly the mass panic and hyperbole is noticeably absent of late.”

All of the Sudden, the Media's No Longer Interested In Blaming COVID on Political Ideology