It's more the knowingly false conclusions they did make.
"Two weeks to flatten the curve..."
"Get the vaccine even if you had COVID-19 because the vaccine offers longer immunity."
"Shut down education to protect the children..."
"Wear cloth masks to prevent spreading COVID-19..."
What's your evidence that those were knowingly wrong statements? Have the Health Authorities made some statments that have turned into messaging/PR nightmares? Yes. I think for those of us in the military who understand the importance of messaging, it's all the more cringey to watch.
However, I don't think thy are blatantly lying. If they are, what's their incentive?
The 2 weeks to flatten the curve thing was based on the belief we could keep it off our shores once we got past the initial group of infections. Bad assumption for sure, but given the recent history of things like avian flu and swine fever, etc., we had successfully avoided mass disruptions with those. Let's also not forget the President at the time genuinely believed and stated warmer weather with people outdoors more would solve the problem.
The vaccine vs. natural immunity thing as far as I'm aware is still possibly up for debate depending on which variant and which vaccine, no?
I don't think people at the time with shutting down the education considered it would be long term given the "2 week" messaging; the CDC later came out and recommended that kids go back to school as fast as possible going into the second affected school year, no (Aug/Sep of 2020? Am I wrong on that? I know my kid's school took that advice. So far she's had 6 weeks virtual over the course of the pandemic... Miserable, but bearable and was a reasonable course of action with what we knew at the time).
Show me a peer reviewed paper that shows the masks are not at least, in some small way reducing the spread of COVID-19...