Don’t forget that we now live in a “free” society where your social media account can and will get suspended/ deleted or a disclaimer will be applied to censor your post if the non-medical personnel at the IT giant disagree with your statement (even if it’s just stating facts).Random Covid Thoughts:
Covid started where there is lab doing gain of function research on coronaviruses.
Fauci is a known and proven liar but is still the ultimate authority.
They haven't found a single bat with Covid 19.
Studies show masks don’t work but here we are.
PCR doesn’t and never did test for Covid.
Number are 100% proven to be inflated.
Comorbities matter. (Barely a single peep about this or demographics)
mRNA in cancer patients is Gene Therapy.
mRNA in Covid is a vaccine.
The defintion of “vaccine” online is different than in old print dictionaries.
Definition was prevent infection and transmission now it’s lessen symptoms.
The “Vaccine” effectiveness numbers are a moving target.
CDC overwhelmingly said no to boosters, CDC and White House is pushing them anyway.
Former FDA commissioner now works for Pfizer.
Still no therapies like “Tamiflu”. It’s vaccine or die.
VAERS (Early Fauci told us to look at VAERS). VAERS adverse events are increasing.
Blood clots and myocardial inflammation is REAL.
The border (no mask or vaccination).
Natural immunity being ignored and downplayed.
Virology 101 is never vaccinate somebody previously infected (that’s why the pediatrician asks if your kids already had chicken pox)
Where is the flu? Why are death rates the same for 2020 as 2019?
Just some thoughts, want me to have faith in the system, start by firing Fauci and Rochelle!
Just so much so wrong in your post. But to pick one...Random Covid Thoughts:
No its not. My wife just had shingles, and was immediately recommended to get the vaccine. Also from the CDCVirology 101 is never vaccinate somebody previously infected (that’s why the pediatrician asks if your kids already had chicken pox)
Correct.Random Covid Thoughts:
mRNA in cancer patients is Gene Therapy.
mRNA in Covid is a vaccine.
Can't find the definition you're referencing, but the COVID vaccines both prevent infection and lessen symptoms.The defintion of “vaccine” online is different than in old print dictionaries.
Definition was prevent infection and transmission now it’s lessen symptoms.
Lacking context/specificity. All of the above agree on boosters for high-risk individuals (comorbidities, old age, etc.). The CDC ACIP omitted those with high occupational risk, such as teachers and health care workers. One panel member noted his concern that such guidance "could limit access to other groups." From the outside looking in, it would appear the powers that be eschewed available resources for the option to offer increased protection to those working in high-risk jobs.CDC overwhelmingly said no to boosters, CDC and White House is pushing them anyway.
GSK, Regeneron, and Eli Lilly all have monoclonal antibody treatments available (edit: authorized) for treatment of symptoms. Notably, the President received a dose of the Regeneron treatment last year, and sang its praises on Twitter. Remdesivir is also approved for treatment, and has been for almost a year.Still no therapies like “Tamiflu”. It’s vaccine or die.
Such risks are much higher from contracting the virus than from the vaccine. Further, those who have natural immunity AND receive a vaccine have even greater protection against Delta variants. Which is more likely, never catching COVID, or getting myocarditis from the vaccine?VAERS (Early Fauci told us to look at VAERS). VAERS adverse events are increasing.
Blood clots and myocardial inflammation is REAL.
Chickenpox is different. People usually only get chickenpox once, and thus don't need to be vaccinated if they've already had it. The flu, on the other hand, gets a new vaccine every year, to combat variants and to renew waning immunity. Deja vu all over again.Virology 101 is never vaccinate somebody previously infected (that’s why the pediatrician asks if your kids already had chicken pox)
You just contradicted yourself! If you know you have had chickenpox or measles then you don’t get vaccinated.. THE ENDJust so much so wrong in your post. But to pick one...
No its not. My wife just had shingles, and was immediately recommended to get the vaccine. Also from the CDC
Which Adults Need Chickenpox Vaccine?
Or the measles...
- All adults who never received the chickenpox vaccine and never had the chickenpox.
- If you’re not sure whether you had chickenpox or the vaccine, you should get vaccinated.
If you do not have written documentation of measles immunity, you should get vaccinated with measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. There is no harm in getting another dose of MMR vaccine if you may already be immune to measles (or mumps or rubella).
CDC says it is OK to get vaccinated even if you had it. THE ENDYou just contradicted yourself! If you know you have had chickenpox or measles then you don’t get vaccinated.. THE END
Sounds like you have it all figured out! Maybe you should be advising FauciCorrect.
Can't find the definition you're referencing, but the COVID vaccines both prevent infection and lessen symptoms.
Lacking context/specificity. All of the above agree on boosters for high-risk individuals (comorbidities, old age, etc.). The CDC ACIP omitted those with high occupational risk, such as teachers and health care workers. One panel member noted his concern that such guidance "could limit access to other groups." From the outside looking in, it would appear the powers that be eschewed available resources for the option to offer increased protection to those working in high-risk jobs.
GSK, Regeneron, and Eli Lilly all have monoclonal antibody treatments available (edit: authorized) for treatment of symptoms. Notably, the President received a dose of the Regeneron treatment last year, and sang its praises on Twitter. Remdesivir is also approved for treatment, and has been for almost a year.
Such risks are much higher from contracting the virus than from the vaccine. Further, those who have natural immunity AND receive a vaccine have even greater protection against Delta variants. Which is more likely, never catching COVID, or getting myocarditis from the vaccine?
Chickenpox is different. People usually only get chickenpox once, and thus don't need to be vaccinated if they've already had it. The flu, on the other hand, gets a new vaccine every year, to combat variants and to renew waning immunity. Deja vu all over again.
It says people who need the vaccine are people that have never had it. So… uh… THE ENDCDC says it is OK to get vaccinated even if you had it. THE END
And they vaccinated my wife with the shingles vaccine right after she recovered from shingles.
Apparently cigarettes and marijuana are Covid safe
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Wow! Who would have thunk…An analyst that I read often (mostly geopolitical with a few mentions of covid now and then) brought this interesting article to light: that Covid somehow binds to cigarette smoke whichly ironically gives smokers a lower risk.
Drugs that mimic effects of cigarette smoke reduce SARS-CoV-2's ability to enter cells
Researchers have identified a potential reason why lower numbers of COVID cases have appeared amongst smokers compared to non-smokers, even as other reports suggest smoking increases severity of the
Nice job. Now that the US has the Fauci lied “smoking gun” what will the politicians do now?8 seconds on the google found a plethora of similar reporting.