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Crash renews calls for base to be vacated...


I weep at the seeming total disregard for the sacrifices of those who died to protect our country only to be ignored in the name of progress and $$$?

As stupid as it may sound, I hope that's something for which you campaign strongly in your everyday life. Writing editorials to newspapers or even just talking to people may not seem effective at all, but people listen to that stuff and making people in the cities surrounding these air stations aware of the heart of an issue (like you've done) is a strong step towards preventing the too-often witnessed retardation in our American society. I'm awaiting the day that March ARB will finally just die out and Moreno Valley will become the lord of all slum lands. My first act as President someday will be to make it an active duty base again. :)


Uncle Pettibone
Ive searched and searched to no avail, as a picture is worth a thousand words...

Virginia Pilot '98ish printed a front page article on population encroachment on NAS Oceana and outlying fields. Huge early 40's picture shows some Dauntlesses/Hellcats (or the sort) in formation over looking NTU, huge number of planes on the ground, and landscape of swamps and pastures as far as the eye can see. The article pretty much told the Citizens Concerned About Jet Noise and wanking citizens to STFU, you picked your neighbor, live with him.


Still learning how much I don't know.
Ive searched and searched to no avail, as a picture is worth a thousand words...

Virginia Pilot '98ish printed a front page article on population encroachment on NAS Oceana and outlying fields. Huge early 40's picture shows some Dauntlesses/Hellcats (or the sort) in formation over looking NTU, huge number of planes on the ground, and landscape of swamps and pastures as far as the eye can see. The article pretty much told the Citizens Concerned About Jet Noise and wanking citizens to STFU, you picked your neighbor, live with him.

That is something I would love to see.


"Chester" 4 blades transition
From what I've been told, pretty much all of the homeowners have to sign a paper acknowledging the noise when they buy a home in that area. Morons are arguing about something they've already rogered up to.

I concur, my father who is a real estate agent AND former Marine Aviator said that new homeowners who are buying property along an approach corridor must sign a document acknowledging that there will be noise and the potential of an aircraft crashing into their home.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
...new homeowners who are buying property along an approach corridor must sign a document acknowledging that there will be noise and the potential of an aircraft crashing into their home.

Some places it's required, some not. In Virginia, or at least, the Nawfik/VB/Chesapeake area, disclosure is required, including dBs and "risk potential". In our case, when we were buying our house in Ocean View, the selling agent (unaware Mrs Fester and I were both Navy), tried BS'ing her way through the disclosures. "Oh yeah it says that, but planes never fly over here." Come on, lady, how do you think we found this place? It's right under the pattern for 28.


Well-Known Member
Some places it's required, some not. In Virginia, or at least, the Nawfik/VB/Chesapeake area, disclosure is required, including dBs and "risk potential". In our case, when we were buying our house in Ocean View, the selling agent (unaware Mrs Fester and I were both Navy), tried BS'ing her way through the disclosures. "Oh yeah it says that, but planes never fly over here." Come on, lady, how do you think we found this place? It's right under the pattern for 28.
Nice to know... My realtor in Jacksonville, NC was the exact opposite. When I asked about traffic patterns and what not, his answer was "it's Jacksonville, there's nowhere to live that the helos DON'T fly over."