I'm a Crossfit believer - but it requires strict attention to form and good instructors. I was fortunate and had a very good box at my last duty station. If I was doing an exercise improperly, they'd stop me and make me do it right, regardless of what it would do to my score that day. They didn't want me to get hurt and they wanted me to come back. I really think it is a sound workout system, but as many other have said, it isn't enough for OCS. You gotta run, a lot. Also as others have said, the weight lifting won't do you much good at OCS, but the woodchipper workouts will.
I think a better prep for OCS might be something that does body weight exercises at high intensity for longer. I think that Insanity is like that, but I'm not sure. A sufficiently intense aerobics class might too, not sure.
A civilian coworker of mine at my last job was an avid Crossfitter and distance runner. He got picked up for Army Guard OCS and said that Crossfit was helpful, but he was actually in better shape before going to OCS than after.
I think a better prep for OCS might be something that does body weight exercises at high intensity for longer. I think that Insanity is like that, but I'm not sure. A sufficiently intense aerobics class might too, not sure.
A civilian coworker of mine at my last job was an avid Crossfitter and distance runner. He got picked up for Army Guard OCS and said that Crossfit was helpful, but he was actually in better shape before going to OCS than after.