I'll get right on that.......:icon_roll
Don't you have a house to sell?
I'll get right on that.......:icon_roll
For better or, the site has turned into what is basically a ready room (as scoober mentioned), and if you keep beating your head against the wall w/ comments like the one quoted above, you'll just continue to get frustrated. And if you come into a real ward/ready room like that, game on. I only offer this as friendly advice and encourage you to continue to ask questions/search the site for whatever info you may find you need throughout your stay w/ the Navy. This place continues to be a great wealth of knowledge to me, even after 9 years.
If I have come under and direct violation of rules of the forum, I'll take my licks like a man. Otherwise, I'm here to engage in meaningful discussion over all aspects of training, current and future. I respect all individuals here on the site who have something meaningful to share, and I recognize the fact that there are plenty of guys a lot older, more experienced and seasoned who I could learn a lot from, and I look forward to doing so.
Don't you have a house to sell?
What were you expecting when you post those kinds of questions here? I understand your intentions are good, but there's not much anyone here can do to confirm/deny or help with your scenario. If any policy changes are being made that effect you, NASC will disseminate them as appropriate. Until then, it's all speculation. Lots of bogus info gets posted here, especially from the Training Commands, so excuse us if we're a little spring-loaded to reject them when they're brought up.
Whomever is hassling the kid about NFO vs SNFO in his profile (I'm looking at you Flash) needs to get a life. The first time I ever even heard of SNFO was when I saw it on this site, and I certainly never referred to myself as such while in the TRACOMs. It's not worth getting all riled up about.
I've heard the P-3 guys get winged real quick-like. Good luck!![]()
And if you pick up P-3s, youll earned the goldenboy title of "UMFO." Yes...life is gooooooooooooood when you Wing after 6 wks of crash course P-3. Although I feel its unfair to our Randolph contemporaries, I just do what I'm toldAnyhoo, our class of UMFOs (5th edition) Wings april 30th. Wish us luck!
(2) for the last few weeks in the briefs on friday DAY 0. They have told all NFOs that if they graduate in the top 10%, and are medically qualified they can move over to SNA.
So, what are you guys hearing? Of course there's all the usual gouge that comes along with rumors that NASC currently has way too many SNFO's on board, but what do you think will be in our near (and distant) future?
...just a question coming from an A-pooler supposedly slated to get into API around July(ish). :icon_smil
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, maybe I could have saved you a lot of grief.... Coming from a fellow A-pooler, I can I say I've heard this as well, back the first week of March, and I believe it's true. The DH over at my stash job is also an API instructor, he informed all of the stashes (though it doesn't really pertain to me) that sometime in the near future (he didn't know when but suspected 2 months max) that the min passing grade for SNFO's would be around 94%. Same deal as happened with the pilots a while back. The DH has been holding classes with the stashes gouging us up on the testable stuff. Sooo, take that for what it's worth...
Good Luck.
RetreadRand said:This thread was pretty funny.
FEZZCB...you guys not go to Randolph anymore either? what are they doing with P-3 NFOs