New Member
Unless anyone finds a crystal ball any time soon, I don't think anyone will be able to predict class up or wait times. It all depends on what Flight Management, IFS, NOMI, Dental, etc. needs that very day. My humble advice is BE PROACTIVE. Be a pain in the ass. Call up NOMI and schedule appointments, go to Flight Management multiple times in the morning, go to the IFS office and see if they have extra slots. People might look down on this, but who cares. You'll be done and they won't. I've been down here only two months and I'm already done with IFS, simply because I weaseled my way into appointments, slots, etc. I didn't do anything underhanded or screw over any shipmates, I worked my stash job like a champ and volunteered when needed, but I also just happened to be in the right place at the right time when they needed people. Just be proactive. You can sit around in A-Pool for 6 months if you really want to, but you can be done in 2 if you make it happen. Good luck, and if you class up for IFS and you're looking to finish quick, choose Eglin AFB and Col. Miles. 3 weeks of hell, but it's only 3 weeks.
BZ, Jersey! You are an example for us all...