Must be a Naval Academy thing My Mommy didn't tell me I could enlist or go to OCS. Here come the Flames.
Must be a Naval Academy thing My Mommy didn't tell me I could enlist or go to OCS. Here come the Flames.
BGOs are supposed to talk with parents when possible. We are specifically instructed not to conduct an interview with parents present. Among other things, that is to make sure a parent isn't having undue influence on the kid's desire to apply or in their interview answers. Maybe your BGO knew from the start that wasn't an issue with you. I have made those calls before, but still go one on one to make it seem as professional and exclusive as possible. Most my interviews are at the applicants home for their convenience, But I have done them at my home, starbucks, school and a public library. Interviews do not have to be done until the candidate gets through about 75 % of the application. They can be done sooner. If I have a guy that is very highly qualified and seems motivated, I will interview early just to size him up and see if I will have to prevent him from going Army or Air Farce. The slackers and ordinary get interviewed when they go over the magic number, not sooner.My BGO specifically wanted my parents at the interview. He quickly realized within about 2 minutes (no joke) in no way had they pushed me to apply to the Academy or to join the military. He even mentioned he got the feeling my mom was trying to sway me out of the military. The interview quickly turned into sea and flying stories -- he was a -60 Pilot. Another thing he did was he wouldn't do interviews until applications were complete (or maybe like 90% complete, I can't remember, either way it was most of the application). From that point on, that guy worked his butt off to help me into the Academy.
BGOs are supposed to talk with parents when possible. We are specifically instructed not to conduct an interview with parents present. Among other things, that is to make sure a parent isn't having undue influence on the kid's desire to apply or in their interview answers. Maybe your BGO knew from the start that wasn't an issue with you. I have made those calls before, but still go one on one to make it seem as professional and exclusive as possible. Most my interviews are at the applicants home for their convenience, But I have done them at my home, starbucks, school and a public library. Interviews do not have to be done until the candidate gets through about 75 % of the application. They can be done sooner. If I have a guy that is very highly qualified and seems motivated, I will interview early just to size him up and see if I will have to prevent him from going Army or Air Farce. The slackers and ordinary get interviewed when they go over the magic number, not sooner.
Honest to god, I can't believe some of these people would let their parents take such a huge stand/role in THEIR FUTURES. When I applied, I basically called my parents after I had scheduled to take the ASTB and told them I was applying, talked about the app and future training with them, called them when I got accepted and had them at my swearing in. IN NO WAY were they a part of my application process or decision. All they did was offer their advice when asked and were proud when I got accepted. They didn't even know my recruiter's name until they met him at my swearing in.
Seriously. CUT THE CORD!
Good post Wink. Absolutely justified.