I may be in the minority on this, but I really don't lament the loss of the SHB. Was it fun? Sure, but at the end of the day landing on the boat is admin, and in hindsight it feels like the risk accepted by doing a SHB is not in line of what we would normally accept in an admin phase of flight.
I would be one to disagree with you on this. If you get rid of the SHB then you should also get rid of grades for grove length, or interval. If time pointed the wrong way doesn't matter anymore, then fine, but if it does, the SHB is a tool used to shorten that time. If it's just admin then move to the ELP and be done with it.
We don't ban low levels every time a jet crashes doing one. Same mentality.
One of the most struggling students I had as an instructor in the FRS was a shit-hot, locked-on senior JO pilot when I showed up to be his Department Head. It's unfortunate that the only time you hear that the person had issues "going back to flight school" is when there's a mishap.
Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean that those conversations aren't happening. You think a nugget who struggled through flight school shows up to his fleet tour and the CO hasn't been fully briefed on the skills said aviator possesses? An incident or two isn't necessarily a trend but a poorly performing stud in flight school will generally become a poorly performing nugget in the fleet.