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U.S. To Hold Naval Operations in Pacific
U.S. To Hold Naval Operations in Pacific

Amid persistent warnings about China’s growing military clout, the U.S. military said Feb. 14 it would hold one of its biggest naval exercises in the Asia Pacific this summer.

The large-scale operations will involve several carrier strike groups, each of which includes at least three warships, an attack submarine and a support ship.

Four carriers would be involved in three military maritime exercises — one of them touted as the world’s largest — between June and August in the region, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Gary Roughead said in Washington.

Two of the exercises are expected to be largely confined to U.S. forces and held in the Western Pacific while the third involving navies from at least eight countries, including Australia, Chile, Japan, South Korea and Peru, would occur near the Hawaiian Islands.

While the war games would boost bilateral and multilateral cooperation and improve military preparedness, it “also provides a deterrent for anyone who would wish U.S. ill,” Roughead told a forum organized by the US-based Asia Society, which aims to bridge ties between the two sides of the Pacific.
A major Pentagon review of U.S. military strategy earlier this month singled out China as the country with the greatest potential to challenge the United States militarily.

The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), conducted every four years, said a key goal for the U.S. military in the coming years will be to “shape the choices of countries at a strategic crossroads.”

The QDR report noted China’s steady but secretive military buildup since 1996.

Some analysts also see recent Sino-Russian rapprochement as a sign of a desire to wrest military and economic power in the Asia-Pacific region from the United States, which is linked by half century military alliances with Japan and South Korea.

It has been at least 10 years since four aircraft carriers have operated in the Pacific Ocean at one time, the Hawaii-based Roughead said, adding that the increased activity was in line with findings of the QDR released on February 6.

His spokesman Navy Captain Matt Brown said it could be the largest combined aircraft carrier operations in the Pacific since the Vietnam War.
Aside from the Japan-based Kitty Hawk, the other carriers to be involved in the exercises are the San Diego-based Ronald Reagan and one more each from the Pacific and Atlantic fleets.

”I think for an East Coast carrier to be operating in the Pacific — probably Vietnam was the last time we had East Coast ships operating up in the Western Pacific,” he explained.

Elaborating on the exercises, Brown said, “As the QDR mentioned, it is important for U.S. to be focusing on the Pacific, to be working with friends and allies in the Pacific.

”And we think that the carriers are a capable multimission platform for gaining familiarisation for forces operating in the Western Pacific.”
Citing the massive US-led tsunami relief operations last year in Asia, Brown said, “Our leaders in Hawaii were able to pick up the phone and call counterparts in Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, New Delhi and rapidly exchange information because they knew each other.

”In a situation where there is a disagreement, wouldn’t it be nice to pick up the phone and refer back to rely upon a long term established relationship to hopefully prevent that conflict,” he asked.

Brown also said that the U.S. military hospital ship “Mercy,” deployed last year to help tsunami-hit Indonesia, will leave this spring on a five-month mission to Southeast Asia.

”We are still working on the locations,” he said. “This is follow on to the tsunami experience because we found that it was important and the people benefited and is good to do it again,” he said. Mercy is one of two American hospital ships.

It has been at least 10 years since four aircraft carriers have operated in the Pacific Ocean at one time, the Hawaii-based Roughead said, adding that the increased activity was in line with findings of the QDR released on February 6.

Wasn't that in '96 when China was looking at Taiwan with hungry eyes? Food for thought.


Retired and starting that second career
RIMPAC '06, Cobra Gold, Northern Edge.

All them are held every two years and have been for a long time. This is business as usual.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
SteveG75 said:
RIMPAC '06, Cobra Gold, Northern Edge.

All them are held every two years and have been for a long time. This is business as usual.
But Meat, this is clearly a ramp-up show of force to let the Chinese know that they ought not get too big for their collective britches and stop building secret military anything, no? ;) :sleep_125



Retired and starting that second career
Dawgfan said:
Opsec? I don't think CAG wants this out... Moderators?

How about the CINCPAC J7 web page?

Information is freely available. I googled my way there.


Retired and starting that second career
UInavy said:
Not to be a d!ck, but just because the information is out there doesn't mean we have to make it more readily available or easier to get to.

Fine, link is gone. Just use google.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
UInavy said:
Not to be a d!ck, but just because the information is out there doesn't mean we have to make it more readily available or easier to get to.
Let's not get crazy about this stuff guys. Information that is in the public domain on a DoD website isn't anything we need to pussyfoot around here. These exercises aren't a secret and are well publicized.



Well-Known Member
UInavy said:
Not to be a d!ck, but just because the information is out there doesn't mean we have to make it more readily available or easier to get to.

C'mon, you're starting to sound like CNN or CBS or something. :D

"Just because we are doing good things in the GWOT, and the information is out there, doesn't mean we have to make it more readily available or easier to get to."


Brett327 said:
Let's not get crazy about this stuff guys. Information that is in the public domain on a DoD website isn't anything we need to pussyfoot around here. These exercises aren't a secret and are well publicized.


My comment was regarding a post that has since been deleted mentioning a CVBG that was not mentioned in the article.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dawgfan said:
My comment was regarding a post that has since been deleted mentioning a CVBG that was not mentioned in the article.
Rog, good times.



Kool-Aid free since 2001.
I hope to see some of you dude's at RIMPAC '06. I hear the aussies put on the best parties, something about a C-130 with aussie beer and steaks....