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D O W is down big-time ... over 900 points ... now 'recovering' ...

The Chief

This is an awesome opportunity for those of us with some savings. I'm going to buy stock like it's cool.

Appreciate the tip, could I see your crystal ball? Please.

Lets take a look at the last ten years. Had you put your $100,000 Roth IRA into the DOW ten years ago your Roth would now be worth about $95,000. Had you "laddered" CD's over the same period, you would have about $150,000 in your Roth IRA.

On the flip side of that had your crystal ball would have said invest in Google or Baidu and your Roth IRA would have been about $600,000.

Ten years ago the pundits said Yahoo was a steal at $66 a share, today about $15. Who stole what? Likewise JDS Uniphse was considered very cheap at about $250 - W O W. Today it is about $10.

Lets look at that dip. Assume you had access to $500Billion, and knew or could cause the DOW to drop by an average of 10% across the board, then return to near previous level. Put your buy orders in for that dip, and 20 minutes later put your sell orders in when it returned. Presto, a cool $50 billion dollars in less than 20 minutes. Or if you wish, you could believe the "fat fingers" excuse.

I am all for investing and saving. But folks need to be aware, beware and do their homework.