Crazy to think of how many airplanes and types of missions pilots jumped around to back in the "old days". New airplanes constantly coming out, opportunities to cross train into props, helos, jets...
An interesting note about pilots in general in the '50's and '60s, there was much less competition/animosity bteween aircraft types. Pilots relished the opportunity to fly anything they could, learn more, be a better all around pilot.At some point he was snapped up from single-engine props and shifted to helicopters. MAG-16 (Marine Air Group) has always been a rotary wing. At the time helicopters were swallowing up a lot of aviators from different squadrons.
Her father appears to be one of those "real" pilots we read about.
Can't wait to learn more about his time in the Corps as we share in this sentimental journey, especially having been at many of the places he was.