Reserve Intel Officer Billets
Hey ya'll,
This is my first post on this forum. I am in the process of completing my Officer App for Intel. My recruiter told me that I should put in for three, however only one or two career fields interest me. IW and INTEL.
INTEL being my number one pick, I have a question regarding reserve billets in this field. I've been doing research ( i like to know as much as i can about something before i jump in) and it seems that there are billets for ResIntel O's that allow them to be attached to and work with Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. i.e.. NCIS, DEA and others.
What do any of ya'll know about this? process for acceptance, conditions, availability, etc?
I have over 12 years of Law Enforcement experience, ranging from criminal patrol, drug raids and tactical ops, investigations and operational command (as a Lieutenant). I thought I read somewhere that positions of this sort required a Law Enforcement background.
Also, If this is a true possibility, and I am attached to some Fed Agency in this capacity or another - If I come up for activation, would it be in that capacity (w/ that agency) or would I be on the roles for ANY duty....???....
I appreciate any help or direction ya'll can give me.
OH, my Recruiter forwarded me a billet ID that read "FCI AGENT", What is this billet????