I think you’re lucky you already had your records because my recruiter told me “I wasn’t the only one who was having trouble getting their records,” because she was speaking with Quality Assurance, the place that gets the DCO packets after the recruiters, and apparently my recruiter was told “it’s a big problem.”
I was told the same thing about the M.B.A., that it’s a HUGE plus! Actually, my LCDR told me I had everything going for me except currently serving. Therefore, the three of us are in the same boat, which is a really good boat to be in! Actually, now that I think of it, isn’t it called a ship and not a boat in the Navy?
There is current talk in other threads about priorities of priors and non-priors, and I’m sure we three priors will agree, because I’m sure we have all had it “drilled into our heads,” the priority is: currently serving, priors, and everybody else. I know this was drilled into my head and I’m sure it was the same for you two also. Therefore, we have this going for us also. I also know it is hardest for those currently serving to be given any priority because they must be released by their current commander and released from their service first, and I know this is really hard to accomplish - It’s a catch 22 and a file 13 all at the same time!
I read, or heard, someplace that in the past an M.B.A. was the “standard,” if not a requirement, to become a Chop, but I think this has changed to just an accredited four year degree. I also read someplace that all Chops used to be certified accountants with M.B.A. degrees. However, it sounds like this changed too.