Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I intend to submit a package to the board for a direct commission Supply Corps officer role. Currently, I am an enlisted SELRES sailor in a cargo handling unit and a contract specialist with a DoD agency. I have a BA with a 3.46 GPA and am slated to fulfill the requirements of my DAWIA certification in August of this year. I am somewhat well-liked in my unit and the Os that I've interacted with have been quite helpful with information and tips.
I saw on the program authorization published on MyNavyHR that interviews are conducted from January to May of each year, but do not know when the boards are slated to take place and have had a heck of a time trying to find a reserve officer recruiter (the officer recruiter I've been in touch with is active duty and keeps trying to sell me on aviation or SWO).
Appealing to you all's vast knowledge base and experience, how can I get in touch with the correct recruiter? Do you think it's too late in the cycle to schedule interviews and apply for the upcoming boards? In either case, would it be wise to wait until I've attained my DAWIA cert, or is there no time like the present, so to speak?
Thank you in advance!
Semper Gumby,