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DD368 Signature fiasco


New Member
Aloha all,
I would like to start out by thanking everyone on this forum for all of the information here. It is really a gold mine. It has helped me with study for the astb, understanding the process, and nearly everything else to do with gaining my commission.

Now to the situation.
I have a signed DD 368. It is in hand, it was a moment of bliss. However, I just received an email from my recruiter (who is the man) that the digital signature that the army uses are rubbish. I need an old fashioned ink and paper for the navy. NOW, that may not seem like a huge problem seeing as the Army has already said they don't mind if I leave. It just so happens that the policy (any unit can add to the regs) states that a general officer needs to sign on this form. Through the twists and turns of life it happened that a 2 star major general signed off on my form (digitally). It will be extremely hard to get this resigned by the deadline for my packet.

The question,
Is there a snowballs chance that he could be misinformed and we can use the 368 as is?

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Aloha all...
Aloha. Congrats for living at or somewhere near Kaneohe Bay. About all I could really determine from your profile page. You could work on that...

But here's the good news: You live within a "mule's kick" of more Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps Flag and General Officers than the law should allow. Don't believe me? Hang out around the 1st tee box at "Navy and Marine Golf Course" over by Pearl Harbor sometime. Wednesday afternoons used to be good…maybe weekends are better now.

There may be a "snowball's chance"…but don't count on it. Do the work…get the paper and ink thingie...

Now…since you never said…WHAT are you seeking a "conditional release" for? I'm "assuming" it's to pursue a commission as a Naval Officer….but I'm just assuming.

More info would mean a great deal in how others might respond.


New Member
Good assumption. I've been nearly having a panic attack all night so I was a lil frazzled when I wrote it. I cannot lie living and drilling near the pineapple pentagon is wonderful. Kaneohe is proof that god loves us.

I needed a conditional release to close out the rest of my reserve contract. It ends in November '13, the pilot, NFO, SWO board is in July '13. Otherwise I'd just resubmit through the normal channels. I only like to make waves when its doing a good job at work.

I had a chance to meet the MG in Malaysia in '11 but that was a while ago. Looks like I will need to schedule a meeting again.

I'm as serious as cancer about becoming a "zoomie." I'm glad I have had the experience, but I wasn't meant to crush gravel.
Thank you for your input

PS, I will work on the profile


Aloha all,
I would like to start out by thanking everyone on this forum for all of the information here. It is really a gold mine. It has helped me with study for the astb, understanding the process, and nearly everything else to do with gaining my commission.

Now to the situation.
I have a signed DD 368. It is in hand, it was a moment of bliss. However, I just received an email from my recruiter (who is the man) that the digital signature that the army uses are rubbish. I need an old fashioned ink and paper for the navy. NOW, that may not seem like a huge problem seeing as the Army has already said they don't mind if I leave. It just so happens that the policy (any unit can add to the regs) states that a general officer needs to sign on this form. Through the twists and turns of life it happened that a 2 star major general signed off on my form (digitally). It will be extremely hard to get this resigned by the deadline for my packet.

The question,
Is there a snowballs chance that he could be misinformed and we can use the 368 as is?

Contact the General's Aide de camp or what ever the equivalent of a flag aide is and FedEx it to him, Oooor see if he can print off the form and have the Gen sign it and get it to you. If they'll accept a scanned copy there's no reason this cant get accomplished w/ in 24-48 hrs.


Well-Known Member
Being a Reservist myself, I was able to submit my package without a signed conditional release in hand. There is another member that lurks on here but is now in OCS who received his final select letter before having a signed conditional release in hand. Maybe its NRD specific, but the conditional release "shouldn't" hold your package back.


New Member
My conditional release is digital signatures from the Air Force and also my navy recruiter. No issues here.
Is there a Naval reg that has that allowance? My thinking was that if the digital signature is a legal signature, then it shouldn't matter. I'm FAR from familiar with the Navy way of doing things. So..


Active Member
Is there a Naval reg that has that allowance? My thinking was that if the digital signature is a legal signature, then it shouldn't matter. I'm FAR from familiar with the Navy way of doing things. So..

No clue. Back when I was applying my recruiter sent the form to me via email already digitally signed by him. I send it off to my CO and he digitally signed it. Now, when I went to the NRD last week to sign my contract before shipping, there was handwritten stuff on it, but it was in reference to that fact that my release was happening on such and such date. It's all in my service record and I'm leaving tomorrow for OCS.


Well-Known Member
You should have no issues with that 368, NRC has been using digital signatures for a few years, the OR, Processor, and OPS all sign the application with digital signatures.

If your NRD has an issue with it then that is just them.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
You should have no issues with that 368, NRC has been using digital signatures for a few years, the OR, Processor, and OPS all sign the application with digital signatures.

If your NRD has an issue with it then that is just them.
Yeah, but…it's YOUR opportunity. Don't sit back and "hope for the best". Show the reference you linked above to anyone who has a role to play in the signature conundrum.

You SHOULD be cherry…but of all the folks involved…YOU are really the only one with "skin in the game".


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but…it's YOUR opportunity. Don't sit back and "hope for the best". Show the reference you linked above to anyone who has a role to play in the signature conundrum.

You SHOULD be cherry…but of all the folks involved…YOU are really the only one with "skin in the game".

I should have also put that if the issue is with them they can still make you jump through hoops, the processor should be able to tell you right away if they will have an issue with it.


New Member
Called the aide de camp, then got a call immediately from a 9th command SSG chewing me out, then he called the recruiter. He called back, the old SSG is gonna try n move a mountain for me. The general lives in Virginia or something! (Got to love the reserves.) Majorly breached the CoC on this one. Good thing I only got a few months left.

God it must be glorious to be an officer...