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Death row inmate pulls out eye and eats it


Super *********
Super Moderator
Can't fix em, fry em. Mentally ill means nutjob and thus should be put to sleep.


I wonder if he had brown eyes. I wonder if brown eye tastes like chocolate? Wait. Never mind.

Anyone who murders 3 people and rips their heart out is obviously insane, doesn't mean he should get to avoid execution by further proving how nuts he is...


Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
The guys nuts without a doubt, but that doesnt mean he isnt fit to stand trial. If there are any Lawyers on here please correct me if I'm off, but if I remember correctly as long as the defendant understands that he is in court, the charges and the proceedings he's ok to be tried. If he thinks he's at the circus and about to ride the elephant maybe not so much.

My mom is a lawyer and I have had this sort of discussion with her before. It is a little more complicated than the definition you give. Insanity has to be shown at the time the act was committed, not whether he understands where he is and what the charges are. Did he realize what he was doing was a crime at the time of the murder? Did he even know what he was doing? These and many more questions must be evaluated to determine insanity. So it is not so clear cut as you put it.

But remember, I am not a lawyer. That is just how I understood it from my mom.


I once flew a pair of eyeballs in the cockpit from DFW to SFO ....

We felt like someone was "watching" us the whole way .... :eek::):sleep_125


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
I once flew a pair of eyeballs in the cockpit from DFW to SFO ....

We felt like someone was "watching" us the whole way .... :eek::):sleep_125
Wasn't the old axiom, "the more 'eyeballs' in the cockpit, the better?" :D

For some reason, I use to fly a lot of eyeballs. Great cause, but it always gave me the creeps. Strapped them into the jumpseat behind me, in a container that always reminded me of the Styrofoam container I used for "fish-bait."

[There is more to this, but suddenly as I write this, discretion slapped me about the face....so forgetaboutit, or PM me for a bit more.] :eek:


Well-Known Member
Pulled over a car not too long ago with one male subject inside. He was completely nervous and it brought up red flags. I asked him to step out of the vehicle and patted him down finding a hunting knife on him. After I called out his name over the radio my Lt. automatically sent several units to my location. That raised more red flags since no one was saying over the radio why he was sending me at least one more unit. Since he was nervous I got consent to search his car and found nothing. At this time another officer gets to my location and talks to the subject. This time I notice that he doesnt have a ring finger on one of his hands. Due to him being so cooperative I let him off with a warning and let him leave.

After I talked to the other officer he said that the subject I just stopped was a certified psycho. He had beaten his mother's caregiver almost to death and it practically took all the folks on one shift to take him down and get him apprehended. And for his finger....while in county jail not too long ago he acquired a small wire and twisted it around his finger until it came off.

I've thought much different about my traffic stops and how I handle them since that day.


Wasn't the old axiom, "the more 'eyeballs' in the cockpit, the better?" :D

For some reason, I use to fly a lot of eyeballs. Great cause, but it always gave me the creeps.....
I also flew a few loads of bull semen -- again, in the cockpit :eek: -- and prime stuff :thumbup_1 -- all the way from DFW - MIA - SAEZ for the amusement and edification of some Gauchos ...

Quite a load of bull. They say he shot it all the way to Argentina. :)


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
I also flew a few loads of bull semen -- again, in the cockpit :eek: -- and prime stuff :thumbup_1 -- all the way from DFW - MIA - SAEZ for the amusement and edification of some Gauchos ...

Quite a load of bull. They say he shot it all the way to Argentina. :)
Bull!!!! .................Although there were/are fortunes to be made in animal husbandry. :)

And how'ja know it was "prime stuff?"

i remember when...... ah, never mind.
;) :D


And how'ja know it was "prime stuff?"
It was usually (always ???) a variant of Santa Gertrudis, Gelbvieh (sp?), or at the very least some type of polled Hereford.

Good meat, good eatin' ... and ironic, too ... as we'd drive the basic element -- bull semen -- down to BA and bring back the "finished product" --
loads of excellent Chateaubriand for the First Class service and leather covers for all of the aircraft seats.

Made the birds smell like a "new car".... :)

And the Argies and Chileans made some pretty decent wines, too, which we stocked the airline "cellars" with ... wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay before the average Norte Americano had heard of 'em or discovered 'em ... :)
