The two don't even compare. To say so is being intellectually dishonest.
How so? Both appear to have violated parlimentary procedure, one just happens to be on a popular video and from a party here few like.
I find it amusing that no one here has even mentioned what the vote was about. Can anyone say without first looking at this link? Being Congress they created a committee to examine the issue and apparently decided in the end it was wrong in the end.
I am by no means blind to the fact that whatever party is in power in Congress will sometimes bend the rules, whether it is the Democratic or Republican party. I can cite numerous examples from just the past decade where shennanigans have occurred when the ruling party wants to get something done. Ironically, one of the more well-known examples when the Republicans were in control of Congress has echoes of the controversy cited here. When they passed the prescription drug benefit for Medicare the Republican leadership extended the vote almost 3 hours past the regular 15 minutes to get the votes they needed. Or the Act for the relief of the parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo which was passed by the Senate with only 3 members present and after the President had signed it. Where is the outrage about those acts? Oh yeah, they were from the other party.......
So was it right? No. But spare me the outrage, unless you want me to pull out more examples of Congress and other parts of the government doing dumb stuff, it is pretty damn easy to do with both parties.