Well, hey, I had the same reservations to moving, and let me tell you what happened to us....We own a home in Norfolk and my parents are three hours away. I didn't want any part of moving out of Virginia. I fought with this through my husband and with previous boyfriends. My decision...no way I was moving!! Then when my husband went thorugh OCS, I had several things happen, and I realized that maybe I didn't need to that close to my parents anymore, and I needed some changes in my life and the life of our family. So, around the 10 week, my husband got his list of duty stations. Out of about 15 only one was not right here in Norfolk!!!! The one was Japan, and that wasn't a possibility!! So, to make a long story short, after finally deciding and being okay with the idea of moving, we stay right here. It was a process that I had to go through to get to that point, and no amount of anyone talking to me was going to get me to accept moving until I had become okay with it. Now, I'm waiting and keeping my fingers crossed that there will be some other choices outside of Norfolk next go around!! Ask her to keep an open mind and to think about it. She will either eventually be okay with it, or she won't be happy. Maybe once she starts going through it she will adapt, I think tons of people have the same reservations and end up having to move and then grow to love the changes. She definately needs to think about your relationship and not be niave of what to expect in your future life together. It is not easy on anyone!!
All I have to say about being a "single parent" is that it is hard. Especially facing the possibilities of having babies born and introducing them to the dad later because he was on deployment. They grow and change so fast in thier first few years. I have an 8 year old right now, and it was hard enough with her! We did get through the first seperation though, and I know we'll get through the future ones, it is just plain hard, physically and emotionally.
I would say though, the military communities are only as tight as the command is, and the one my husband is on is not tight at all!! I have seen though, that most marines seem to have a great support system, and maybe that will change once our ship deploys, but we have been on the ship since Feb. 03 and besides "madatory fun", there has not been any wives or spouses (to be politically correct) contact me about any events. There are some outside events that I plan to get involved with (Surface Officers Spouses or SOS), but it is up to me to search those things out. I thnk with enlisted, there are just alot more support avenues, but as officers, you are just expected to not have issues and problems, and to establish yourself on your own. I see alot of notices for family activities that are geared to enlisted families.