Getting reevaluated at NAMI for depth perception
I ran a search on depth perception, however I wasnt successful in finding my answer. I am OCS complete and awaiting commissioning, I was NPQd at NAMI for SNA due to depth perception. I wanted to get another opinion and I went to see a civlian doc, and he said i have hypernitropia (spelling?), anyways he said that it is possible to correct it with vision therapy. That is what he said a week ago, and i was seen again today. I have been doing this vision therapy 3x a day and now i can see just about all the little dots on the sterio test. He says that it is working, and I am going again in another week for reexamination. I was talking to my OSA and he said that my corpsman for my district would examine my paperwork and send it down to NAMI and see what they say. Have you all heard of anyone being reexamined at NAMI? Or would they just take the paperwork that I have from my civilian doctor and say I am good to go?