This is the current competitive profile for Intel via OCS:
Competitive Profile
Education: Preferred major, 3.5 GPA
ASTB: OAR - 50, AQR - 4, PFAR/FOFAR - 3
Positive Factors:
Interview by O-5/6 INTEL Officer is helpful
Strong recommendation letters, motivational statement
Language proficiency (though not required)
Negative Factors:
MJ use less than than 1 year old, psychedelic drug use
Selection rate: 7%
These are the selection statistics for Intel for the following fiscal years:
FY07: Goal 46, Select 9, BDCP 9
FY08: Goal 46, Select 2, BDCP 2
FY09: Goal 46, Select 0, BDCP 0
Keep in mind that when applying for BDCP, you are applying for an OCS slot in the year that you graduate from college and then graduate from OCS. You can apply for BDCP 3 years from your graduation date if you are in a technical major, or 2 years if not. If you have any other BDCP questions just let me know, I'd be more than happy to assist. I just received my final select for Information Warfare BDCP after a 3 year battle of applications. Good luck!
If that is a pic of you, then you would definitely make a very sexy Intel Officer!